If I realize my best friend has been lying to me about something important, I...

Si me doy cuenta que mi mejor amigo/a me miente tratando algún tema importante, yo...

become very disappointed and keep it to myself until I am ready to confront him.

call her out on it, talk to her. Conversation is the best way to solve problems.

confront him or her.

confront him/her, and pull it out of them, yet giving them privacy to tell me when they are ready.

confront them about it, and feel hurt.

confront them and ask why they would lie to me and see if they will lie to me again.

confront them calmly about it.

talk to her about it.

would confront them about it.

conversaría con mi amiga para que confiese la verdad.

deje de mentir

hablo con el/ella

le dejo de hablar soy orgullosa

Me aparto de el/ella.

me decepciono de ese amigo y no le vuelvo a tener confianza

no seria un amigo de verdad

trato de hablar con el del porque hizo eso


Conversaria con el o ella para que me confiese la verdad y si las cosas no funcionan entonces me alejaria

me da igual, todos mentimos

Le dejo de hablar, eso no es un amigo