The most significant events in my life have been...
Los acontecimientos más significativos de mi vida han sido...
birth of my sisters
going to school and playing volleyball.
moving from California to Massachusetts and entering high school.
my grandfather's death and junior year of high school.
my parents divorce.
the birth of my sister, going to high school and applying to college.
Watching my sister graduate from high school as the valedictorian, and my family overcome struggles.
winning the MAC Conference in soccer, traveling to Italy and Portugal.
asisitir a conciertos
conocer muchos lugares,tener a mi familia cerca mio
el nacimiento de mi hermana.
el nacimiento de mis hijos, mi boda y mi primer trabajo
Mi familia, la muerte de mi abuela
Mi matrimonia, el nacimiento de mi hijo y toda la felicidad que conyeba eso.
tener a mi familia cerca
Que significa "conyeba"?
El generalizacion por la genta de costarricense es que es muy positiva con algunos negativo respuestas tal como "el nacamiento de su hermanos" y "familia".
El generalizacion por la genta de los EEUU es la misma a la personas de Costa Rica. Este es verdad en las frases "birth of silblings", "playing sports", and "high school".
Creo que la palabra correcta es ''conlleva''y significa:implica, un sinonimo en ingles para esta palabra podria ser: ''involve''.
The students noticed that some answers were almost identical, and many were family-based. Perhaps the biggest source of differences here was that some Costa Rican students are in their 20's, and therefore the significant events of weddings and children being born are naturally different from those of high school students.
tener una familia, el trabajo