United States

Estado Unidos


Corrupt, bankrupt, uninformed decisions

corrupt, free, democracy





freedom, flag, rights

freedom, independence, America

home, freedom, flag


red, white and blue, bald eage, freedom

ciudades grandes,hamburguesas,estatua de la libertad

comida chatarra, no son america, inmigrantes


extenso, capitalista,potencia

gente gorda, sedentaria, competente

libertad, unidad,


My goal.
The Best.


What do you mean by "no son america"?

The generalization that I found in the responses of the students of the United States was:

  • most of us support our home/country
  • the students like that the United States was built upon the principles of freedom, liberty, and democracy.


The generalization that I gathered from the responses of the students from Costa Rica was:

  • some look up to/admire the United States for its principles of freedom and liberty as well as for its power and success in the world.
  • others feel that the United States is characterized by overweight people and junk food, and feel that the United States is not America.

No son America significa que no es un pais sino un continente y la mayoria de los estadounidenses opinan que solo ellos son america, cuando esto no es asi. America somos todos, y al decir esto nos referimos a que los costarricenses,hondureños, guatemaltecos, mexicanos,chilenos, etc lo son tambien.

My classmates and I have read your response. We all agree with your opinion on the term "America". We think that you make a valid point in saying that the United States is only a part of a large region referred to as America, and we agree that all those who live in Central and South America are also considered to be Americans.

yo pienso que america es un lugar donde uno encuentra oportuninades de trabajo,son gente muy trabajadora.