At work, you find out that your boss has been reading your e-mail.
Au travail, vous découvrez que votre paron lit votre courier électronique.
be angry and find a new job
Find out whether it's company policy to read my email and talk to the superiors.
get him fired
I complain about it. If possible, find a different job.
I file a claim
I install a security system on my computer.
I sue him
I try to act calm but very disgusted and betrayed by his actions, and approach him directly
I would ask my co-workers if they were having the same problem. If so, I would try to get a group together to confront my boss.
I would become angry and approach my boss, asking him why he's reading me email.
I would feel very violated and would be upset. I would find out what the privacy laws are regarding email, and do what I could to prosecute him.
I would freak out.
I would quit.
I'd be disturbed and I wouldn't like it, but if it's work email (that is, at a work email address), I'd wonder why, and maybe ask, but that's okay---it's a work email account, and so the administrators probably have access to it. It also depends on how I found out, whether or not they were upfront upon hiring that they have access to all email accounts, etc., etc.
I'd confront them, probably angrily, and possibly sue them.
I'd probably start using a different email account.
totally disgusted and tell him not to do so again
Wow, make sure and delete emails as soon as I read them so she won't find anything of importance
atteinte aux libertés personnelles
j'utilise cette information pour lui faire penser ce que je veux de moi
je change d'adresse, et je surveille son comportement..
je le dénonce auprès des autorités légales
je lui demande des explications, je vérifie la législation (s'il a le droit), je demande conseil auprès de personnes compétentes en la matière
je lui demande pourquoi il fait cela, et je lui dit que moi aussi je peux faire la meme chose. je change mon code personnel, et je fait plus atenttion avec mon ordinateur
Je m'en fiche plus ou moins. Si ce pauvre homme n'a pas d'ami...........
je porte plainte
je porte plainte
je suis furieuse je le menace de porter plainte car c est interdit
Je vais le voir et lui demander pourquoi il fait ça.
Je vais le voir et lui fait part de mon étonnement.
Qu'il lise, je n'ai rien à cacher. Au pire, je change de mot de passe... ou fait de même avec ses mails !
s'il s'agit de ma boîte mail professionnelle je prends ça comme une "information"...
ça depend mais peut-être je ne peut rien faire et sinon je peut m'adresse à mon chef de personnel ou au délégue sindical
One thing that I noticed about the responses for this situation was that the American side admitted to more emotion than the French side. Many more people said they'd be upset or sad, and only Americans brought up anger. I know that some of these emotions are probably tied to the French responses, but Americans were more explicit about it.
One other theme that I found in this as well as other reactions is the emphasis on truth, or the face of truth, in American culture. People on both sides said that there was a possibility that they would no longer be friends, but the French responses showed a greater trust in their friend's intentions. The majority of both sides said that they would talk to the friend to find out why, but the people on the French side also replied in many cases that there was probably a good reason for the lie. I think this could either show a greater trust in one another or just a need to rationalize something that would otherwise be too horrible to confront. Americans, on the other hand, seem much more skeptical and are more likely to trust the facts as they see them. Any thoughts about this?
I don't know if the French take longer to make "best friends" as the Americans. Generally, how long would you be friends with someone before you would feel comfortable calling him your best friend? Here, it seems (as it should) that people born and bred here tend to take someone from their high schools or even earlier as best friends...even while they are in college. The rest (foreigners, immigrants) seem more open to their options and ultimately less decisive on the issue of best friends. Does this hold with the French?