

berets, wine, cheese
Country, Cheese, Wine
country, Europe, scenic
father's home, family, good food, paris, frech fries
French, Paris
french, self-sufficient
fries, food
frog, surrender, food
intolerant, anti-semitic, superpower wannabees
liberty, fraternity, eqality
long bow, musketeers, catholicism
Louvre, wine, Airbus
Paris, love, wine
Paris, romance
sweet, laid-back, wine
waiting, future
wine, history, French, culture
wine, inaction, pretention

beauté, architecture, Histoire
culture, gastronomie, Paris, paysages diverses, beauté
franchouillard baguette
grande richesse culturelle et historique, catholique, modèle.
grande, histoire, royauté, napoléon, fille aîné de l église, jeanne d arc
nation, histoire, catholique,
Paris, gastronomie, pays, europe
Paris, vin, tour effel, bagette, fromage, la fête, le soleil, Mont Saint Michel
pays, Paris
pluralité, racisme, traditions, fierté,
PSG, Zidane, liberté, mixité
Tour Eiffeil, Vins, Cosmopolite
vin, le fromage, Paris, tradition, religion, bonheur, normandie, joie


French fries

Why are French fries called like that in English? Does anyone know who came up with that name? In our list we seem to associate France with French fries. Is it true they are as popular in France as they are in the US?
On the other hand, many French associate the US with "frites" as well (on the other list), which perhaps makes more sense...


Fries are a Belgian invention (as far as I know). Maybe we call them French because of the way they're cut (French-Cut fries - much like we have steak fries (the wedge fries), and curly fries, and wavy fries). Not sure.


Paris was mentioned several times on both sides. So what is it with Paris? Can we "reduce" France to Paris?

pour Felipe Caro

Hello to answer has your question I think that Paris is a beautiful capital, of the level of Paris architecture is superb we have very beautiful monument. But we have also others very pretty city France it is not Paris forcing myself I live in Normandy and I am very proud of my area. But the foreigners often associates Paris has France because he knows only that...

Désolée matthieu

je suis désolée pour le message de matthieu c'est moi qui écrit. Et j avais oublié qu'il fallait écrire en Franחais .

Pour Paul Elliott, Sergi Elizalde, Kezia Charles

Je comprends pas pourquoi vous me parlez de pommes frites, je ne pense pas que les frites soit dans nos spécialités il est vrai que nous en mangeons mais elles viennent plus comme disait Paul Elliott de Belgique. Nous avons parcontre comme spécialités la baguette de pain, le vin; le fromage(camembert), le saucisson, les escargots, et pourquoi pas les cuisses de grenouille.


Je ne pense pas que la perte d'une identité religieuse soit également une perte de valeurs et de convictions. La religion aujourd'hui n'est plus du tout adapté á notre monte et a un accumulé un retard sur la progression des valeurs des gens. La religion est le fruit de l'homme qui a besoin de se sentir dominé et protégé s'est donc créé une personnalité supérieure : Dieu. Mais existe t il vraiment??? J'attend de voir pour le pour le moment je n'ai rien vu

La France et les frites!!!

Que pensez vous du terme "Freedom fries"???
Ce terme apparaמt -il dans les menus des restaurants etc...?

Religion, God and France

I would say that in America, the majority of people believe in (some) God. However, religion/religious practices are no longer held in high esteem. Thus, there can be open discussions and debates now about many controversial topics, that 30 - 40 years ago, would never have even be considered.

Separation of Church and State

Right now, in France, there are many questions about the wearing of religious garmentsin public schools. I am interested in knowing how you think this will affect the overall atmosphere of the schools.
