A good citizen
Un bon citoyen
contributes to society.
respects his country
respects others.
that feels honor of being of that country
tries to live in harmony with his/her fellow citizens
votes, awares of public issues
who also takes in consideration others.
who cares and acts
who cares for their country
who contributes to his/her community, is concerned with the
state of their society and acts as a force for positive change
who does his duty to his country
who does what is right.
who fights for the cause of his people
who follows the law
who is loyal to his country; who does social work or donates
money to charity
who is not only aware of his rights but also his responsibilities
to others.
who is proud of their coutry and shows it
who obeys the laws, votes.
who obeys the laws.
who respects and adheres to the actions of the government
who respects the law of the state not only on deed
who respects their country and people.
who thinks of the other people around them.
who votes
who votes, and is aware of the world around them.
who votes, who keeps up with what's going on in their country,
who promotes the image of their country.
who votes, who knows what is going on in the world
who will take other people into consideration.
who works to improve the community
de respectueux vis-à-vis des autres citoyens
de responsable
de vigilant face à la fragilité de la démocratie
qui comprend que les lois sont faites pour évoluer,
qui comprend le principe de "désobiéssance
qui connant ses droits et ses devoirs et qui les applique
qui est conscient de ses droits mais surtout de ses devoirs
qui est responsable, qui assume ses devoirs.
qui exerce ses droits politiques et de revendications
qui n'outrepasse pas ses droits
qui prend ses responsabilité
qui remplit ses devoirs civiques,qui sait respecter autrui
qui respecte autrui et les l'autorité qui nous gouverne
qui respecte autrui.
qui respecte la loi, s'intéresse à la vie politique
et sociale
qui respecte la loi, ses droits et devoirs
qui respecte les autres et les locaux
qui respecte les autres et les lois
qui respecte les autres, qui connait ses droits
qui respecte les droits des autres
qui réfléchi en placant la société
avant son interet personnel
qui s'implique dans la vie de sa communauté.
qui sait ce qu'il doit au systeme ,mais aussi ce qu'il lui
en coute, qui garde l'esprit critique vis à vis de ses
qui se préoccupe de l'avenir de la société
dans laquelle il vit
qui se tient au courant de ce qui se passe dans son pays,qui
réaggit quand les décisions prisent ne lui parraissent
pas les bonnes
qui vote
qui vote, qui s'interesse à la philosophie et au fonctionnement
de la cité.
qui vote.
remplit son devoir envers la société
va voter(sic)
I feel that there are so many laws in this country that I am not really aware of. Do you feel the same way about the laws in France?
Speaking of citizens, I know that a lot of the "American" responses actually come from people who are citizens of many other countries: Chile, India, Bulgaria, Canada, etc. Are all of the "French" responses from French citizens? Or are your classes as cosmopolitan as ours?
Hello, it semed that our ideas about what constituted a good citizen were pretty similar. It did seem like the INT students emphasized involvement in the community a bit more.
SO do you have any community service/outreach programs at INT or through some other avenue?...just wondering.
réponse à Neville: Je pense que pour être un bon citoyen, il n'est pas obligatoirement nécessaire d'être au courant de toutes les lois en vigueur dans le pays. Les lois sont règlés sur une base d'un bon rapport entre les personnes et chacun est, semble-t-il,à même de juger si ce qu'il fait est bien ou mal pour autrui et pour lui-même. réponse à William: notre groupe est certainement largement moins cosmopolite que le votre mais représente bien la diversité de la France avec des gens d'origines diverses et de milieux différents.
Il me semble que certaines réponses d'Américains à cette question étaient plutôt des réponses à : "qu'est-ce qu'un bon patriote ?"
Bon, votre serveur est capricieux ( à moins que ce soit mon ordinateur :). Je recommence : Nos deux conceptions de la citoyenneté semblent assez proches (le respect de lois, des autres, l'importance des devoirs du citoyen, l'importance d'aller voter et de s'inscrire dans un processus démocratique) cependant, je vois une ou deux differences : d'abord la notion d'honneur qui semble absente en France, et celle de "désobeissance civile" qui semble peu developpée aux U.S.A. Juste une impression ? Je serais heureux de connaitre votre point de vue.
Question hors contexte ici: Allez-vous voter le 7 novembre? Pour vous, est-ce important? Est-ce un acte citoyen indispensable? Que pensez-vous des candidats en lice?
Bill's response that many students here are from different countries is important. The response to this question will therefore be different. It is probably true that Americans are somewhat more patriotic, at least in overt expression of their feelings - one can see the star spangled banner everywhere. I notice that respect for others is important in the French responses. Maybe it comes from a stronger sense of community.
In response to Frederique's question - who is a goot patriot?
This depends. Americans are very patriotic, and will fight for their country. They will and did lay their lives especially in WWII, not only for their own country but also for Europeans (including the French). They also want to be the best in the world, which in many respects they are.
A good patriot is one who respects his country and is willing to stand by her and give up his life if necessary.
Are the French as patriotic, or are they less eager to fight for their country and its values?
This is in response to Arnaud's question about the upcoming election. I am definitely going to vote in the election on November 7. I definitely think that it is part of being a good citizen to go out and vote. Personally, it is very important to vote. When you don't go out and vote, you have no say in the end result. Also, you have no right to complain about the elected candidate because if you had voted maybe things would have been different. Every citizen should get out and vote. I know though that a large majority will not vote on November 7. I'm sure the main reason is just due to pure laziness. They don't want to make an effort to get to the voting booth. On the issue of our candidates, I'm not exactly too thrilled with either one of them. They both have their faults. It is going to be a difficult decision who to vote for.
Arnaud: Thanks for the answer. I was curious how many of the "French" responses are from students who speak French as their maternal language... or one of their maternal languages.
In answer to your question, I am certainly going to vote in the upcoming election! It is the right and the responsability of every citizen to vote. As for the candidates, none is perfect (of course) but some are better than others, and that is what counts.