A good neighbor is someone
Un bon voisin est quelqu'un qui
has respect for all of their neighbors
helps his neighbors, is respectful of those who live next to him
helps, loans items
lets me park my car on his side of the street
that doesn't sue over stupid stuff, that respects others
who can share and compromise
who does not do what you wouldn't do to him.
who doesn't let their damn dogs poop in others' yards.
who gets involved with their community
who helps others, who is friendly
who helps you out when in need
who is always willing to help out.
who is considerate and sociable
who is friendly, thoughtful and considerate, and willing to help his neighbors in even the worst circumstances.
who is tolerant to differences in lifestyle.
who takes care of flower gardens, who has time for the neighborhood children.
who watches out for their neighbors and respects others' privacy
who waves to you and is someone you could trust to watch after your home.
de discret, toujours là en cas de probleme
est discret, poli.
est polit, respectueux
propre, discret, polit
qu'on ne voit pas.
qui est sympathique et qui est prêt à rendre un service
qui est prêt à rendre service et qui est calme.
qui ne dit rien quand on fait du bruit le soir!
qui ne gêne pas, qui est amical
qui peut rendre un service en cas de besoin
qui s'occupe de ses affaires
qui sourit, qui dit bonjour, qui n 'est pas trop derrière sa fenêtre à regarder ce qui se passe à côté
qui vient en aide à ses propres voisins
sur qui l'on peut compter pour nous dépanner
I am curious about what kind of neighbourhoods you are from. I am from one of those built up areas, where your neighbour's house is a stone's throw away from your own. Everybody knows what's going on with everyone else, but we're all good enough friends that it doesn't matter.
I see that a lot of people want neighbours, who they never see, or who is invisible. So I wanted to know what your neighbourhood is like? What sort of relationship do you have with your neighbours?
It's refreshing to see that both the French and the Americans want and expect the same from neighbors, in general - someone who's courteous, conscientious, and friendly, in general. As for which type of system works better, I think that this system in Paris works wonderfully - I often find myself arranging meetings and meals with neighbors in order to improve the sense of community and to learn how to be more conscientious and more genuine in my relations with them. How hard is it in general for you, though, to maintain this kind of authenticity in community?