A good student is someone
Un bon étudiant est quelqu'un
gets good grades without cheating
smart, studies, studious
who can motivate themself to take advantage of the resources available,
who does well on problem sets and exams because they put effort into all of their work.
who has integrety in his work
who is always trying to learn something new
who is dedicated to their studies and gets good grades.
who is diligent, precise, intelligent.
who manages time effectively and weighs his (her) priorities.
who studies hard and works to acheive their own academic goals
who studies, who received good grades
who tries
who tries his hardest, gets good grades, excels
who wants to learn for the sake of learning.
who works hard and contributes
who works hard and is motivated
who works hard to learn and help others learn.
who works hard, studies hard, and seeks after the Lord in all things.
c'est faire la fête, travailler, communiquer, discuter, disponible
de pauvre
que travaille dur et qui aide à les autres à réusir tout en restant un bon ami
qui a de l'ambition pour son avenir
qui aime ce qu'il fait
qui est curieux et s'interesse à tout.
qui prend plaisir à étudier
qui sait s'organiser, qui s'ouvre aux autres
qui travaille, apprend, qui prépare sa vie, sa situation.
qui trouve un équilibre entre études et vie privé.
qui étudie pour faire ce qu'il aime par la suite, mais qui sait se distraire aussi
qui étudie.
s'intéresse, se pose des questions, pense par lui-même
travail, communique, s intéresse , parle avec les autres étudiants
étudie pour être reconnaissant vis a vis de ses parents , des grâces qui lui on t été faites
un bon étudiant
Un bon étudiant est un étudiant qui étudie à l'IUP d'Assas en Managment et nouvelles technologies. ;-))))
It is interesting that you would connect being poor with being a good student. Why is that?
what is more important in France: learning for the sake of learning or for the sake of the grade?
Getting Good Grades
I found it really interesting that a lot of people on the American side wrote "gets good grades" in this sentence completion but that it did not appear at all on the French side. Previously, in a discussion in the word association:school/ecole forum, it was mentioned that school in France is very competitive and there is a great emphasis on doing well and getting good grades. I was wondering, since there seems to be a similar emphasis on getting good grades in both France and America, why is it that only one side seems to associate it with being a good student? In America, I think that there are two different definitions of a "good" student. "Good" could be taken literally as in: a student that does/performs well, which then is measured by good grades. The other definition is more general,"good" student also means being a "good" person and encompasses more things such as working hard, loving their studies, and really learning something meaningful from classes. Is there also this dual sense of a "good student" in France? Or is there a heavy emphasis placed on definition and not as much the other? If so, is there another term you would use to define a student who gets good grades other than "un bon etudiant"?
I noticed that this is a more general phenomenon - the French responses are often more elevated, mentioning values that go beyond personal profit or success - whether it is about a "good student", "good job", "good lawyer"... Is it that the French are more socially aware, or more idealistic? The American view is certainly less glamorous. Grades, money, success... Is the difference real, or is it just how we tend to see ourselves?
I completely agree with Jan. The American responses are more concrete, tangible, materialistic, and usually refer to themselves. The French students use more implicit, abstract concepts which in many cases also involve third persons. I'm trying to think of a reason for this difference (beyond just saying that "Americans are self centered). Any clues?
Do you find yourselves being relaxed about grades in school? I think that although here, grades are not the crux of what we do in school, it's been drilled into us for so long that it is difficult to get student and grades apart. For the French, that appears to not be the case. Is it because you grew up in an environment were grades were more relaxed?
It seems that the French responses seem much more grounded in reality than the Americans; for us at MIT, nothing is more essential than the "all-important-A," but you in France, you seem to have a much better understanding for the true purpose and function of school: it's to educate you for some kind of eventual practical application to life in the context of family and society. Do you find it to be true that the French in general become educated not only for education's sake, but to achieve some kind of greater purpose in your lives and in the lives of the surrounding society?
grades, some more
Perhaps it is that a good student at MIT, not just in the US, is one who gets good grades? I think it is safe to say that at MIT people take classes out of their love of the material and desire to understand it, but this does not necessarily translate into having good grades or a good work ethic (which would be things that would set a student apart from the pack here at MIT).