Loud comments about the film

Les commentaires au cinéma

  ask them to be a bit quieter.   i might move.
  Depending on the movie, I would either laugh or turn around and ask them to be quiet.
  give them dirty looks, then ask them to be quiet
  I turn around and ask them to stop.
  i would move away from them
  I would politely ask them to be quiet.
  I would try to ignore them, but probably talk about them to my friends after the movie.
  I would turn around and ask them to be a little quieter.
  I would turn around and ask them to please be quiet
  I would turn around and ask them to please quiet down.
  I would turn around at them and give them a pointed look, and if they didn't stop talking eventually I might ask them politely and nicely   to stop.
  if it goes on for a while, i would turn around and give disdainful stares until they stop
  If they don't stop in a while, I turn around and say "guys, do you mind?"
  ignore them
  I'll ask them to be quite, saying the comments were not included in the price
  join in
  move to a different seat in the theater
  please keep it down
  say SHHH twice, and if they're still talking, ask them to be quiet
  turn around and say "shhhhh".

au bout de la troisième fois je leur demande de se taire, s'ils ne sont pas contents je les fous dehors
au bout d'un moment ,je soupire et si ca continue, je dis chut!
ça m'énerve et je leur demande de se taire
Ca m'exaspère, mais je ne dis rien, je me contente de me retourner plusieurs fois en ronchonnant.
je leur demande de se taire
Je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande gentiment de se taire
Je me retourne pour leur demander de parler moins fort
je ne me plain pas.
Je prendrai mon mal en patience, cela arrive souvent.


I found the responses from Brown and INT students to be very similar.
The majority asked the people to be quiet or gave them a look. I only
saw three small differences in comparing the responses. Some Brown
responses were more specific than most INT responses. INT responses
did not include giving the people "a look" while Brown responses did,
and there was a slighter larger portion of INT responses than Brown
responses where the person would do something himself like move or
ignore the people. Overall, the responses were very similar.
It seems that talking in a movie is considered rude by both Brown
students and INT students and it is usual to ask the people to stop.

Would your response change if the majority of the people in the
theatre were talking? What if you were talking and someone told you
to be quiet in an impolite manner? What would you think?

Franchement, je ne vais plus au cinéma à cause de ça, les gens font de plsu en plus de
bruits, avec leur pop corn, les commentaires etc. je préfère maintenant rester chez moi
tranquillement regarder sur ma petite TV, je me suis bricolé un son nickel et ça me va.

Hi everyone,
It seems as though there are certain places where people know to be quiet- theatres,
libraries, museums etc. Do you think this collective knowledge is regional or global? For
instance are there things that you unconsciously know to do that you have found other
people in different places do not do?

Mon regard envers le cinéma a bien changé. Avant j'aimer bien les film d'action bien
américain. Avec le super Américain qui est bien sur le plus intelligent et le plus fort dans
le monde et qui peu vaincre tous les méchant pour sauver la planète entière!! Ma vision a
changé car maintenant je ne supporte plus ce genre de film.
Je regarde l'histoire du film et son réalisme mais je donne aussi une grande importance
l'authenticité de ce dernier