

action, resourcefulness, seriousness
ageing, education, adulthood
burden, adulthood, must
choices, loyalty, consequence
comprehension, action
duty, self, community
Growing up
homework, job, obligation
maturity, challenge
necessary, misunderstood
Rules, Homework
school, homework, environment
solemn, promise
song, ability
stress, adulthood

adulte , à assumer , défi
civile, morale
contrainte, pouvoir
directeur, danger
duty, indispensable
ennuie, travail
intéressant, enrichissant, ça m'intéresse
poste important
projet, groupe
responsable, pouvoir, contrôle, management,
stress, avis, elite
stress, engagements, valorisant, contentement
stress, important, dirigeant
stress; avenir; superieur
valeur, difficulté, intéressant, surveiller


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It is interesting to see that the French and American responses are so similar. For example, it seems that both sides associate responsibility with age (adulte), growing up and maturity. I also see two notions of duty or "devoir." On the other hand, it seems that the French responses are more associated with specific jobs (profession, travail, ingenieur), while the Americans were more focused on the idea of homework.

Another interesting point: while one Brown student associated responsibility with "carefree", in contrast, 5 French students mentioned 'stress'? Is there a particular cultural reason for this association with stress?

I was also really surprised to see "stress" show up 5 times on the French student side, versus only once on the Brown student side. For the School/Ecole word association, "stress" showed up on the Brown side, but not on the French side, so I would have expected similar results for Responsibility/Responsabilité. I wonder why Brown students associate "stress" more with "school," rather than with just a general sense of "responsibility?"

Normalement lorsqu'on est en école d'ingénieur, on a passé la phase la plus stressante de nos études : la prépa. Par contre les responsabilités, au sens de l'entreprise, sont quelque chose d'assez neuf, voir inconnu pour nous. Je pense que on n'en connait que ce qu'on en à entendu dire. Comme on ne connait pas vraiment, ça fait peur.
avoir des responsabilités veut dire qu'on devra rendre compte de quelque chose. Donc ça peut être stressant.

Losque l'on a des responsabilités dans un métier par exemple, c'est souvent que la réalisation de projets importants dépend de nous. C'est pour cela que l'on associe ce mot à "stress" car on n'a souvent pas le droit à l'erreur et on ne peut pas se reposer sur d'autres personnes qui puissent nous aider.

Browsing at the different responses, I find myself thinking back to my question on Monday about the definition of "travail" in the School/École section, and whether or not this work was defined as school work or a job. As it has already been mentioned, a number of Brown students related responsibility to what their current duties are. These were mainly homework and school work given we are currently students. However, for most of the students at ENST, the word responsibility connotes something we grow into, something we acquire when we become "adults" and begin working. Seeing these responses makes me think more and more that the responses of "travail" in the school section are more associated with jobs and professions.