Someone from a good family is someone
Quelqu'un d'une bonne famille est quelqu'un
happy, healthy
has values, respects others
i don't understand what "good family" means
of means, education, and breeding, but I'd rather hang out with smart, cool, working class kids
to whom family is important, someone who seeks comfort in family
who acts in a moral way and treats all others with respect
who behaves well
who can start a good family as well, who know how to love people.
who cares about others
who doesn't smoke/drink excessively, whose parents are respected in the community
who has a good start in life.
who has a lot of money, who is respected
who has gone to a rich private school, has many connections
who has good manners, who has good morals, who has strong ethics
who is hard working, has integrity and is a good person
who knows good values
who knows how to to make you feel included in her extended family
who understands the importance of stability.
whose family has a good education, whose family has moral values shared by the rest of the community
whose family is respectable.
whose parents have always been happily married, whose parents support them in all their endeavors, who keeps in contact with all family members regularly
bien éduqué, de privilégié
bien élevé.
d un milieu social eleve
d'intelligent et riche
de bien elevé, dont la famille est reconnue socialement
de bien éduque,
de bien éduqué
de poli, de respectueux.
de privilégié
de privilégié
de privilégié.
de socialement privilégié
dont les parents avaient reçu une certaine éduction
qui a certaines règles
qui a de bonnes manières
qui a reçu une bonne éducation
qui a reçu une bonne éducation, dont les parents occupent des fonctions importantes
qui a une bonne éducation
qui est "bien né"
qui est né privilégié
qui respecte la coutume familliale, et les devoirs qui lui sont imposés
qui rote pas à table
à qui on a inculqué des valeurs et comment les appliquer