Someone lights up a cigarette

Quelqu'un allume une cigarette

  ask him/her to put it out, then complain to the manager if he/she doesn't
  ask the server to ask them to put it out
  ask them to please not smoke in this section, i have a right to ask them to move
  ask them to stop
  I am irritated, and I glare at them.
  I am very annoyed and consider getting up and politely asking them to put it out.
  I would be annoyed and ask to move tables.
  I would be annoyed, and most likely would ask them to put it out or move.
  I would be disgusted, then I would ask them to please move to the smoking section.
  i would be midly irritated, but wouldn't say anything
  I would finish my food faster and leave.
  I would say loudly to whoever I was with that smoking is rude and obnoxious
  I would specfically say, "We sat in the non-smoking section for a reason," extremely loud so the person would hear me and put out their cigarette.
  i would tell the manager
  If other people around me looked annoyed and if someone who worked there or another customer didn't ask them not to smoke, I might ask them.
  I'll ask the person to stop smoking, reminding him of the non-smoking section
  move away or ask the waitress to ask them to extinguish the nuisance
  tell the waiter
  whatever, he should be allowed to.
  yuck.   i'm moving

je lui demande d'aller ailleurs ou d'éteindre sa cigarette
Je lui demande de l'éteidre et d'aller dans le coin fumeur
je lui demande de l'éteindre
je lui demande de l'éteindre
je lui demande gentiment d'éteindre sa cigarette
je lui demande gentiment d'éteindre sa cigarette
Je lui demande l'éteindre ou d'aller dans la section fumeur
je lui dis d'aller en zone fumeur si la fumée me gêne
je lui dmeandes d'éteindre
Je tousse et demande à un serveur si je suis bien en non-fumeur.
si je suis seul je ne dit rien si je suis accompagné je me plein.


Nos réponses sont à peu près similaires.

En ce moment, les médias français parlent beaucoup du fait d'interdire de fumer dans les
lieux publics. Depuis quelques mois, le gouvernement français a beaucoup augmenté les
taxes sur les cigarettes, ce qui a fait baisser le nombre de fumeurs. Etre fumeur en
France est maintenant moins "à la mode" qu'avant. Une loi impose aux restaurants
français de diviser l'espace en une zone fumeur et une non-fumeur. Cela n'est pas
toujours respecté, faute de place! Je crois que certains restaurants et bars américains
sont totalement non fumeurs et que peut-être bientôt il sera interdit de fumer dans les
rues dans votre pays. Nous n'en sommes pas encore là en France mais il est possible
que de telles mesures soient prises en France sur votre modèle.
Pensez-vous que cela limite les libertés individuelles ? Etes-vous concernés par ce
problème ? Est-ce que beaucoup de jeunes américains fument (c'est un vrai problème en
France, les jeunes fument de plus en plus et de plus en plus tôt) ?

Hi Charlotte. In response to your questions, while I could see that some people may
consider a ban on smoking in public a restriction on civil liberties, I am of a different
mindset. Smoking is a health hazard to not only the smoker, but also to the other people
around, so I think it should not be allowed in public spaces since it is endangering
bystanders. I also think rules like this could help decrease the number of smokers,
which in my book is great.

I have one friend who smokes, but very infrequently. In general, i don't think many
people our age smoke. One reason for this is that we have been raised (or at least I
have) knowing that smoking is extremely bad for you. My grandmother got lung cancer
from second hand smoke because my granddad smokes (she doesn't). When I see
people my age smoking, I don't think they're cool, i think they're stupid for harming their
body like that.

Hi C and K!
C., here are a few thoughts on smoking here at Brown. I think that smoking,
at least on the Brown campus, is probably more of a social event than a life habit, and
that for a lot of people, it's a habit they picked up immediately before college or when
they first got here and are likely to quit soon after young adulthood is past. It might be
an issue of social status (and I'm certainly not saying that everyone here is upper-middle
class, but perhaps the majority)--most of us probably do not have parents who smoke
and have been told that smoking is bad. Therefore, smokers will likely hide their habit,
especially when at home.
I was especially surprised to see that all of the INT students said they would ask the
smoker to move. I assumed that many wouldn't mind because they are smokers
themselves, but maybe that isn't the case. I think we Americans tend to think that all
young Europeans are smokers. If you don't mind my asking, do any of you smoke? If
you do, did you say that you would ask the person to move out of a regard for the law,
etiquette, or some other reason? Do your parents smoke? What were you raised to
think about smoking?


Very interesting....While practically every American student said they would go see the
manager, make a loud comment or give the person an evil look, the French students all
said that they would simply ask the person to extinguish their cigarette! The second way
seems much simpler, and more respectful of the person smoking. Do you think this says
anything about differences in the importance of civility and politeness between the two

I think what it does say Sarah is that Americans have a different perception of being
polite than do the French. In this instance, Americans found it more polite to tell
someone in charge or an authority about the smoker, but in French, if you have the
problem with the smoker then you have the right to demand it to be extinguished. What
does this say about American individuals and positions of power? Would an American
person have listened to someone other than the restaurant manager or a politceman to
put out the candle? In France is it impolite to get an authority figure for such a small

hello all!

It has been discussed by many in our class that smoking in public is bad and disruptive,
etc.... you mentioned that France is moving towards stricter laws on smoking in public...
do you think that there is such a thing as a "smoker's rights"?.... should smokers be
alloted designated spaces in public places (restaurants, airports, trains, bus stations,
etc..) to light up there cigarettes? or do you think that "smoking sections" should be
eliminated to make public places entirely smoke free?


C'est justement une très bonne question et il est difficile de trancher. En effet, soit les
fumeurs ont une zone réservée dans l'espace public soit ils doivent en sortir pour fumer.

Mon avis sur ce sujet est le suivant : s'il est facile de séparer correctement dans l'espace
public une zone fumeur qui ne gêne pas du tout les autres personnes, cela me convient.

Mais si cela n'est pas possible, comme c'est souvent le cas comme dans les restaurants,
je pense que les fumeurs doivent y être interdits.

Le problème est plus délicat dans les bars et les discothèques car fumer est synonyme
(pour certains) de fêtes et de sorties et les empêcher de fumer dans ces lieux est

Oui S.,
C'est qu'en France ça sert à rien d'aller voir un manager pour ça, il a d'autres chats à
fouetter ! en plus c'est pas sympa pour celui qui fume : c'est de la dénonciation (cf.
remarques sur "a student cheats")...

Hi everyone,
I think Americans also have a desire to avoid conflict. There is always the chance that the
smoker could become offended by being asked to put out their cigarette and become
belligerant. There have been many instances (road rage for example) when Americans
have lost control of their temper over simple things. Having a person of authority talk to
the smoker (like the manager) might be better than another diner.

Si une personne allume une cigarette. Personne ne va Brancher et lui dire que c'est
interdit de le faire dans les lieus publics. Ici dans les gares les Aéroports tous le monde
ne se gène pas pour fumer sans se préoccuper de ces voisins. Les gens n'ose pas le
rappeler à l'ordre, il faut l'intervention du personnel de police pour que cette loi soit
Pour ma part ça ne me gène pas beaucoup même si je ne suis pas un fumeur. Je prends
l'initiative de m'éloigner de cette personne sans le lui dire car je sais qu'il le prendra mal.


Quand je suis allé aux USA j'avais 16 ans et la première chose que j'ai faite en
descendant de l'avion, ça a été de m'allumer une cigarette... j'ai été très surpris qu'on
me dise que je n'avais pas le droit de fumer à 16 ans.. mais c'est une bonne chose, on
fume beaucoup trop en France, largement plus qu'aux USA... Les Français sont vraiment
auto-destructeurs, ils boivent trop ils fument trop... ttt c'est pas bien, ça augmente le
trou de la sécu (c'est un sport national). sérieusement, je crois que ça traduit surtout un
mal-être... il faut faire quelque chose et les lois qui passent actuellement sont bonnes je