

accomplished, appreciated
american dream, doctor, lawyer, wall street, politician.
failure, business
fame, rmoney, work, persistence
goal, happiness
goals, progress
happiness, money
happiness, money, family
Jesus, caring, love
money, happiness
money, power
obsession, stressful
pride, contentment
respect, money, hard work
respect, power
utility, fame, happiness
win, victory, failure
work hard, studious

bonheur, argent, liberté, famille
brillant, professionnelle, amour
efforts, volonté, récompense
examen, enfants, vie
famille, maison, paix,
famille, travaille,
gloire, bien-être, respect, regard,
individualisme, études, vie
n'est pas financière, si elle est matérielle n'est que superficielle
situation, reconaissance, respect, reconaissance,
sociale, métier, famille,
travail, courage, temps, conviction,
winner solitaire


about the graph

Looking at Vincent Meriot graph comparing the words associated with success, it seems that the Americans see success as something more positive than the French. Well, I think success is something positive by the definition of the word.
The explanation I can give to the fact that 43% of the words given by the French are neutral or negative is that their responses are related to what one has to do in order to be successful, as opposed to what being successful implies.
The other big difference is that Americans mention multiple times words like money and power, while for the French success is related to the family.

ma vision

Moi personnellement je ne comprend pas pourquoi ce mot n'a pas une conotation aussi positive qu'aux USA. Pour moi la réussite est très importante, aussi bien dans le domaine familiale que professionnel.