A well-behaved child is someone
Un enfant bien élevé est quelqu'un
nice, kind, quiet
that listens.
who does not fight, who does not rebel
who does not use thier spoildness to get whatever they want
who does what is expected from the parents
who doesn't bite its fingernails.
who doesn't fight with the other kids
who has some discipline, who is not malicious
who is amiable and doesn't become irritable or moody or disruptive.
who is polite, who is considerate.
who is quiet, attentive, and willing to learn.
who knows how to share, and when to be quiet
who listens to their parents and obeys the rules of their elders
who listens to their parents and other authority figures.
who listens to what others have to say.
who respects his elders and understands the behavior appropriate to the situation.
who respects other people
who tells the truth, who is not mean to other children
d'obéisent, polit, drole, c'est etre discrét, bonne morale et valeurs
de polie
de respecteux, de sage et poli : un enfant éveillé, qui réfléchit.
qui a de bonnes manières
qui est poli, respectueux à l'égard des personnes plus âgées
qui est propre, polit, serviable, reservé
qui ne met pas ses doigts dans son nez, ne donne pas de coups de pieds à se mère, et se tait la majeure partie du temps!
qui respecte les autres, qui n'a pas de préjugés.
qui respecte les plus grands comme les plus petits
qui respecte ses parents, les défend si besoin, et est fier de sa famille et de sa Nation
qui respond aux attentes de ses parent et pas forcément qui fait ce qu'il aime vraiment .
qui sait se tenir correctement dans toutes les situations, sait bien s exprimer,
qui écoute, remercie, et aide les autres.
sage, polit, un peu réservé, qui ne fais pas de comédie ni de caprice
sait se comporter en communauté
Someone from a Good Family
I want to point out the statistics that 'well-behaved' and 'with moral values' appeared more frequently than any other words in the answers given by students in France. However, in the answers given by students in the States, I find a slightly stronger focus on one's background. Words like non-poor, rich, whose family is well-known within a community, etc., probably reflect some truth in how the Americans see a person as one that comes from a good family. Moreover, it is also interesting to note that such a person in US is expected to be caring and loving, whereas in France, one is expected to be well-behaved.
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Dear Susanna, nous avons regroupé ce thème avec le sujet : "Good family/Bonne famille". Tu trouveras là une discussion entre Katherine et moi... Joins-toi à nous si tu veux, cela me fera plaisir.