always, life
commitment, money
fun, hard work
hard, long
hard, menial, money
hard, necessary, job
job, duty, money
long hours, never ending
money, necessary, pleasure
necessary, important, rewarding
necessary, sometimes boring
play, necessary
subway, sidewalks, downtown
supportive, demanding
unfortunate necessity
ascension sociale, chômage
boulot, labeur
contrainte, obligation
devoir, matin, nécessité
dure, argent, temps
épanouissement, réussite, fatigue
épanouissement, social, rencontres, argent
nécessaire, épanouissement, corvée
nécessaire, intéressant, personnalité
occupation, profession, production
pénible, satisfaction
pression, étudiants
social, argent, vivre
stabilité, chômage
I've noticed that both the French and American students associate similar words with the concept of work. I am curious to know more about the French work atmosphere, and whether or not it is similar to that of the US. Do most French citizens work from nine to five, Monday through Friday? What jobs are the most popular and highest paying? Are men and women treated differently in the workplace? Is the workplace environment usually very formal or very casual? Does the majority of French youth go to college before getting a job?
I also noticed that many feelings were shared about work and what it entails. I feel that here in America most teens start working at the age of 16, first in small after-school jobs like in a supermarket or a drugstore and other places that are not very demanding jobs. And then they move on to more serious jobs as older teens like at a hospital or dentist office. I think that most parents feel that at 16 years old, teens should start to take responsiblity for their own money and the uses that they put that money towards.
I started working at a retail store when I was 16 and held that job for 4 years. I now waitress on campus on the weekends. I've been earning my own money and putting it towards entertainment, bills, and savings etc. However, my roomate from last year was from Bulgaria and found it surprising that I rely on myself for most of my money. She said it was unusual for teens in her home country to work and most, like her, were provided with money by parents.
I was wondering if this is common in France as well. Do teens rely on their parents for spending money? Or is more like in the US where many teens have jobs early in their teen years? If yes, then what kind of jobs are available for teenagers? How often does the typical teenager work?
I also wondered the same thing. Most of my friends' parents forced them or strongly encouraged them to get jobs as soon as possible. However, my parents are from India, and believe that it is their responsibility to provide for me, and it is my responsibility to do well academically. What is the typical French parent like?
Je pense que oui! Dans ma famille c'est comme ça, et je pense que c'est aussi le cas de la plupart des étudiants dont les parents peuvent se permettre d'assumer financièrement les études de leurs enfants. L'éducation n'est pas si chère en France, et beaucoup d'étudiants ont des bourses et des avantages (transports moins chers ou gratuits, aide au logement...), donc on s'en sort bien je pense!
If teenagers don't typically work, what is the age that a typical french person gets a job then? Or rather, at what stage in their life? Is it during college, or afterwards? Do teens work at all, or is that unheard of? I also had another question. In France, is it typical for a family with young children to have one of the parents stay at home with the children, or are daycares prevalent?
La plupart des gens commencent à travailler après la fin de leurs études, donc tout dépend de leur profil... S'ils ont une formation de professionnelle, il commenceront à 18 ans, et les universitaire vers 22 ans ou plus tard... Ca dépend de leurs choix. Si tout se passe bien, je serais professeur à 22 ans...
Et pour ta deuxième question, dans ma famille on a une nourrice,mais la plupart du temps se sont les grands-parents qui gardent l'enfant pendant que les parents travillent, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait 3 ans et qu'il aille à l'école...
héhé C'est vrai que nous on commence à travailler super tard !!!!!! Pis ca me ferait bizzare de voir des jeunes de 16 ans à la caisse...Cela dit en France, il y a quand même pas mal d'étudiants qui ont justement un "job étudiant" et puis en général,on travaille dès 17 ans l'été quand meme (bin oauis !!!) ça nous permet de mettre quand même de l'argent de coté et puis ça nous donne un peu d'expérience.
En France beaucoup de lycéens bossent l'été mais en général, comme c'est illégal à moins de 16 ou 18 ans (je sais plus exactement), ils font des petits boulots au noir: le ménage ou le baby sitting par exemple.