The wrong grade

Une note injuste

  figure out if it's worth taking the time to argue over.
  go and talk to them about it
  go and talk with him/her.
  go talk to him/her about it
  go talk to the professor or TA about the reasoning behind the grading
  go talk to the professor, maybe take it up with a dean
  go to office hours and discuss it with them
  I appeal the grade to the teacher.
  I wonder if it was a misunderstanding and go to see them about the exam.
  I would ask her to discuss why she gave me that grade, using specific examples
  I would ask the professor why I recieved the grade and how I might improve.
  i would confront and ask why
  I would go and discuss it with them if I believed I had an argument to make.
  I would go discuss the grade with them.
  i would go talk to thim/her about it with an open and extremely polite manner
  I would go to my teacher and discuss the final to find out why I got that grade.
  I would review my exam in order to be able to explicitly state to the teacher what I believed was incorrect in the grading.
  I would talk to a friend and possibly go talk to the teacher.
  I'll argue for a better grade
  talk to teacher

Je lui demande de m'expliquer son système de notation
je m'énerve, je compare avec les autres, éventuellement, je vais le lui dire et je demande des explications
Je revois ma copie avec lui
je vais demander des explications
Je vais en discuter avec lui.
je vais la voir et c'ets déjà arriver
je vais le voir en essayant de comprendre le pourquoi des choses
je vais le voir pour en parler avec lui
je vais lui en parler
j'essaie de comprendre pourquoi en lui demandant de m'expliquer pour essayer de comprendre ce que je n'ai pas saisi ou savoir où je me suis mal exprimé
J'irai lui en parler et discuterai avec lui de ma note.


It seems to me that this is one situation where there was virtually no
difference between the INT responses and the Brown responses.
Almost every response was "go and talk/discuss" with the professor.
One or two responses on each list was "look over exam first" but that
was a tiny minority of the total responses.
Perhaps the reactions of students to their grades are more universal
and not cultural?

French students, what would you say when you went to talk to a professor
about an exam? How would you approach the professor? What are your
interactions with professors usually like? (Are they very formal or do
you ever have informal conversations with them?)

Je crois que cela dépend énormément du professeur ! Certains sont très formels,
d'autres beaucoup moins. Certains sont très disponibles pour leurs élèves, d'autres pas
du tout. C'est donc très variable.

C'est clair qu'il y a des profs avec qui on peut pas parler...
je me souviens d'une prof en marketing à qui on avait demandé des explications parce
que les notes étaient vraiment étranges sur nos dossiers de 30 pages. Elle nous avait
répondu qu'elle ne les lisait pas, qu'elle se contentait du sommaire et que du coup on
avait intérêt à avoir mis de bons titres... Argh