You enter your friend's house and his/her
brother or sister does not say hello to you.

Vous arrivez chez votre ami(e) et son frère/sa
soeur ne vous dit pas bonjour.


If it's not out of my way, I'll say 'hello'.

I say hello to them if they are younger, I ignore them if
they are older.

I say hello anyway.

I don't really think about it.

Depends if they are pre-occupied or not.

I would leave them alone.

I am confused, I don't understand why not.

I would figure they didn't notice my arrival and probably
say hello.

I don't mind

I would say hello to her, and assume she was having a bad

I think the brother or sister might be mad at something.


say hello

I say hello first.

I should ask the sibling to come and join us.

I would ignore them; maybe he/she is in a bad mood.

I ask my friend if his/her brother/sister is alright

I ask my friend if his/her brother/sister is alright

You're part of the family now.

Say hi to them. If you dont like it why do it to them?

You don't say hello to them either.

I don't notice.

they are soooo rude.

He/she doesn't like me very much.

introduce myself

I don't mind

Couldn't care less


Ce n'est pas tres grave...

c est pas bien grave

je demande a mon amie ce qui ne va pas chez son frere

Je lui dit bonjour sans me soucier de sa reaction

Je lui demande si il fait la tete, ou si il est de mauvaise

Je n'y fait pas attention

Je dis bonjour en souriant

Patience et perseverance

Je lui dis bonjour quand-meme (au frere/a la soeur).

je me sens gene

Je me demande s'il (elle) n'est pas malade

je ne lui dirai pas au revoir

Je m'en contrefiche, mais je ne lui dirais pas bonjour la
prochaine fois.

Je m'en contrefiche, mais je ne lui dirais pas bonjour la
prochaine fois.

Je lui dis bonjour pour le (la) lui faire comprendre ma desapprobation

J'essaie tout de meme d'engager la conversation, de le/la
mettre a l'aise

J'essaie tout de meme d'engager la conversation, de le/la
mettre a l'aise

je fais comme si tout etait normal

Peu importe, il a surement d'autres choses en tete.

je lui dis : alors Jeff/Marie tu ne connais plus Adel?
