You have been waiting in line for ten minutes. Someone cuts the line in front of you.
Vous faites la queue depuis dix minutes. Quelqu'un passe juste devant vous dans la file d'attente.
Call them back.
Depending on how in a rush i am, i might or might not say anything and might or might not feel annoyed
I ask them politely to please go to the back of the line like everyone else
I politely point out that the line starts further back
i tell him to get behind or i will beat his face
I will tell the person politely to go to the end of the line.
i would ask him to go back... how rude!
I would ask if they were with someone in the line. If not, I would tell kindly that the rest of us have been waiting patiently and they can do the same.
I would be annoyed, but would make no comments.
I would be furious and would demand that they leave the line.
i would get frustrated but wouldn't say anything
I would say excuse me, and direct them to the end of the line.
I would say, "Excuse me, but I am in line."
I would tell them to go back.
i would tell them to move
I would touch the person in the shoulder and explain him that he is cutting in the line, if I like him I would let him stay, other wise I would make a big scandal about it
I'd pretend that I didn't see it.
probably wouldn't say anything to them
remind the person that there's a queue
stupid idiot
tell them the back is about 20 people behind me
je lui fais une remarque
je lui fais une remarque
je commance à raler à haute voix
je l'insulte
je l'insulte (sauf s'il est plus fort que moi)
je l'interpelle
je l'interpelle et le menace.
Je le lui fais remarquer immédiatement
Je lui demande d'attendre son tour
je lui demande de faire la queue comme tout le monde
je lui demande de faire la queue.
je lui demande s il souffre d un handicap
je lui demande s'il à une bonne raison pour passer devant moi, si non je repasse devant lui
je lui dis fort, on vous a vu vous, venez par là
je lui dit poliment qu'il y a une file d'attente et un ordre à respecter
je lui fais la remarque
je lui fais remarquer que j'étais devant
je lui fais une réflexion.
je lui fait remarquer que ce n'est pas à son tour
je lui fait remarquer sa mauvaise éducation
je lui signale gentillement d'aller faire la queue
je rouspète et me remets devant lui
Je râle et je le fais passer juste derrière moi s'il a l'air sympathique
souvent je dis rien sauf si je suis énervée