You hear two friends talking very loudly
in the room next door.

Vous entendez deux amis parler très
fort dans la pièce à côté.

I would go next door and tell them to quiet down.

I would go next door to join them and hang out.

I don't let it disturb me.

They are barbarians!

I would try not to blatantly listen.

Do they know they have neighbors?

I wonder what they're talking about.

I go and join in the conversation.

tell them to keep it down if I was sleeping

I put in earplugs.

I would generally just ignore it.

i want to know what they are talking about.

I go in and say hello.

i wonder what they are talking about.

I wouldn't care

They are having a great time.

Depending on the topic, I could be uncomfortable, annoyed
or interested.

you can shut up now.

Friends? Go see what they are talking about.

I'd go over to their room and join in the conversation.

If I am trying to study i will ask them to lower their voices

If the conversation is interesting, I listen, otherwise I
ignore them.

I'd listen in to see what it's about. Then I'd complain.

I either join them or ask them to be quiet.

If I am trying to concentrate on something I usually get annoyed.

I would walk over and ask them to speak more softly.

Why are they yelling?

listen in


vos gueules S.V.P.

je tape contre le mur et crie plus fort

Je vais les rejoindre

J'entre dans la pièce ou je m'en vais selon la conversation.

Je leur demanderais de cesser.

Je vais leur demander de parler moins fort

je vais me joindre à la conversation

Je m'en vais

Je leur demanderais le silence.

je parle plus fort ou leur demande de baisser le ton

ils sont enthousiastes

je vais discuter avec eux

je vais leur dire bonjour

Je vais voir ce qui se passe.

Je leur demande de baisser le ton

je mets la radio (si tout va bien)

Je leur demande de baisser d'un ton si cela me dérange.

soit je vais ailleurs, soit (le soir) je leur prie de s'écraser


fermez la, je dors !

je m'y rends pour les saluer

Je viens parler avec eux

je vais les voir
