You see a student next to you cheating on an exam.
Vous voyez un étudiant à côté de vous tricher lors d'un examen.
cough really loud as to catch the proctor's attention.
depending on the situation, try to anonymously inform a TA or test administrator after the exam had ended.
Focus on my exam so that I pass. If he's cheating, he'll eventually get caught and will get what is coming to him.
I ask him what the answer to problem 6 is.
I don't care.
I usually do nothing.
I will tell the professor later. I hate cheaters.
I will think badly of him but will not tell anyone about it.
I won't tell anyone because it's his/her loss.
I would be very upset.
I would debate for a really long time about whether or not to tell on the student. In the end, I probably would tell the professor after the test, but only if I was absolutely sure that he or she was cheating.
I would ignore it although I don't approve of cheating.
I would ignore it.
I would just try to work on my own test.
I would make sure he wasn't cheating off of me.
I would probably tell the professor afterward.
I would think that he is irresponsible, because he didn't study the way he had to.
I'll ignore him
If he was cheating off of me, I would try to stop him. If not, I would let him do it. He will get caught eventually.
Ignore it so as to not get in trouble myself.
ignore it, unless they are cheating off of me
Ignore it.
Ignore it.
Inform the instructor at the end of the class to prevent future cheating.
My reaction would depend on the egregiousness of the cheating. If the student happened to glance at my work and see something helpful, I would cover my work and continue. If the student was deliberately cheating and had prepared to do so in advance, I would notify the professor after the exam.
Probably do nothing and hope the instructor notices.
Tell the TA after the exam.
Think that they shouldn't be doing that, but do nothing.
c'est son problème mais il y a aucun mérite à faire cela!
C'est son problème, mais je cache ma copie!
chacun sa vie
je dénigre ce geste mais ne le dénonce pas pour autant.
je l'ignore, il le paiera un jour ou l'autre...
Je le laisse faire car ce n'est mon problème.
Je le laisse faire, c'est pour lui qu'il le fait ... Si il se fait avoir , tant pis!
je le laisse faire, car je me préocupe plus de mon examen.
je le préviens qu'il a intérêt à ranger sa pompe car je ne voudrais pas avoir des ennuis, ou je l'ignore, quand il n'y a pas de risque qu'on nous punisse tous les deux
je le regarde en rigolant tout en restant discret
je lui dis que ce n'est pas bien de tricher.
je lui souris et je mets ma feuille en évidence
je me dis qu'il a du culot et que j'aimerais en faire autant
Je me dis qu'il est mal parti pour avoir son examen.
Je me tais.
je ne dis rien . mais je trouve ca inacceptable .
Je ne dis rien.
je ne fais rien. cela ne me concerne pas.
Je ne supporte pas cela, je cacherai donc ma copie pour qu'il ne recommence pas cela.
je regarde comment il fait, pour essayer de l'imiter si j'ai un problème à une question
je regarde si le professeur l'a remarqué et si j'ai un souci je fais comme lui
Je suis très énervée mais je n'irais pas le dénoncer.
Oh toi, tu n'as pas honte ? Je n'aime pas les gens qui trichent, tu aurais dû bosser, c'est pathétique...
que puis-je faire ? je le laisse tricher, un jour il sera pénalisé.
salut,vu que c'est assez difficil de dénoncer un tricheur il vaut lui dire d'arreter et s'il ne vous ecoute pas ignorez le sans faire de meme car la triche nous empèche d'évoluer et on ne connait jamais notre vraie valeur.on ne peut pas etre fièr de cette note car on ne la mérite pas
On peux voir que la plupart des réponses tendent a l'ignorance de cette triche.
La triche est elle fréquente aux MIT ? Y a t'il une surveillance serieuse lors des devoirs sur table ?
I think the most striking difference between the responses is, that a significant number of Americans would tell the professor/TA about the cheater, while the French seem much less likely to do so. I would assume it has something do to with a code of honor that is different between the two places.
Possibly in France, even if cheaters are not appreciated, they are still "on of us" (the students) and thus it is really bad, almost like betrayal, to tell on them?
Here, the code of honor seems to place the highest priority on "academic honesty". To answer your question, Julien, I have never seen any particularly strict surveillance during any exams, but I am also not aware of anyone ever trying to cheat.
My main observation was how many (8) American students said they would notify either a TA or an instructor (without first confronting the student), whereas none of the French students said they would "tell on" the cheater. I wonder why this is? I do not believe that there is any more tolerance for academic dishonesty in France than in the US; therefore, maybe the difference stems from different views on individual responsibility. Perhaps the French are more inclined to think that one's actions are one's own responsibilty, and that they should not get involved in someone's else's issues (moreover, some French responses alluded to "karma," or the cheater getting his dues in the end). Also, from what I have read in the forums concerning "l'elite" and "l'education," the French seem to value learning very highly. Therefore, maybe this difference may be explained in that the French do not feel it imperative to denounce cheaters to the academic authorities; rather, they believe that the lack of learning that the cheater is subjecting himself to is punishment enough.
At the same time, almost the same number of French and American students said that they would ignore the cheating incident and focus on their own work.
At MIT, cheating is not altoghether uncommon. The most usual scenario is to have "collaboration" on weekly assignments (problem sets) turn into outright copying of another students answers, a behavior most prevalent for first semester freshmen on Pass/No-record. However, different classes have different policies, so the definition of "cheating" varies from class to class. On tests, however, cheating is not tolerated, and although I don't know exactly how much it happens, I don't think it is often (at least I have never heard of anyone having cheated or having been cheated on at a test at MIT).
On remarque qu'une partie des Américains dirait au professeur ou au surveillant qu'un élève a triché. En revanche, aucun Français n'irait dénoncer un élève qui a triché. Ce n'est pas vraiment dans nos habitudes, ce n'est pas notre problème, et puis on se sentirait mal peut-être de lui causer du tort même si c'est de sa faute. Je me posais une question, quelle est la sanction au MIT pour un élève qui triche lors des examens ??
Les français et américains ont généralement les mêmes réponses et réactions face à la tricherie.Mais nous pouvons voir que les américains ont plus tendance a dénoncer que les français ,cela peu peut être s'expliquer du fait que les français n'ont pas envi de s'introduire dans les affaires et problèmes des autres mais également de ne pas s'attirer de problèmes ou conflit par la suite avec l'autre ou les autres étudiants qui on(t) triché(s).
it's a really interresting situation! yes french people don't betrayl schoolmate! but it's exaclty what you said the cheater would pay in time his "debt"
j'adore le fait que tu est mentionné le mot Karma jacqueline, mais je pense que la plupart d'entre nous (français) ne savent pas ce que cela signifie exactement; qui le sait de toute façon :p
mais nous adhéront pour la plupart au principe que si tu triche a un examen tu triche dans ta vie et la vie te renvoie ta façon d'être...
tu parles aussi de la malhonêteté par rapport a l'université je ne pense pas qu'en France on est beaucoup conscience de cela mais il est évident que les étudiants préferent étre des tricheurs que des traitres ou des "rapporteurs"
pour la petite histoire j'ai cotoyer pendant deux ans une fille qui était une tricheuse à titrée. Ses moyennes étaient très correcte évidement mais face a l examen final: le baccalauréat elle n'a pas put répondre correctement. ensuite face aux professeurs et sans doute a ses parents il a du être difficile d'expliquer cet échec...
it's a really interresting situation! yes french people don't betrayl schoolmate! but it's exaclty what you said the cheater would pay in time his "debt"
j'adore le fait que tu est mentionné le mot Karma jacqueline, mais je pense que la plupart d'entre nous (français) ne savent pas ce que cela signifie exactement; qui le sait de toute façon :p
mais nous adhéront pour la plupart au principe que si tu triche a un examen tu triche dans ta vie et la vie te renvoie ta façon d'être...
tu parles aussi de la malhonêteté par rapport a l'université je ne pense pas qu'en France on est beaucoup conscience de cela mais il est évident que les étudiants préferent étre des tricheurs que des traitres ou des "rapporteurs"
pour la petite histoire j'ai cotoyer pendant deux ans une fille qui était une tricheuse à titrée. Ses moyennes étaient très correcte évidement mais face a l examen final: le baccalauréat elle n'a pas put répondre correctement. ensuite face aux professeurs et sans doute a ses parents il a du être difficile d'expliquer cet échec...
Some one asked what happens at MIT if you cheat on an exam. Most colleges in the United States rely on an honor system of some sort which means that the teachers aren't going to watch you like a hawk and it's up to you to do the right thing. If some one were caught cheating on an exam it could mean a number of things. They would definitely fail the exam and could fail the course or be asked to leave for academic dishonesty.
I think one reason MIT students frequently mentioned telling a teacher or a professor is because there is a sense that you only want some one to do well by doing good. This is probably a larger philisophical difference but the sense I get is that the French place a higher value on a person's freedom to do as he pleases than the Americans do.
Are there scenarios where personal liberty ought to be sacrificed in the name of justice or the greater good? Or for example, imagine it's not a regular exam but an exam that liscenses a person to be a surgeon, certainly you wouldn't want them to pass dishonestly.... think about it.
Jaja it never occured to me that the use of Karma was idiomatic of the U.S. In any case, the way that word is used here in the States basically means the same thing you just said: all your actions, good or bad, eventually return to you. (Apparently that happend to the girl you used to go out with).
For my part, I'm not very inclined to report something like that if I see it, just because, like we have talked about, I believe that they will eventually pay for it. Usually, I am too oblivious and focused on my own exam to even notice jaja.
I agree with everyone that this situation raised some interesting questions. On the one hand I thought it was interesting that given some of the level of difficulty of the work in college that most people would ignore it. I also found some of the responses interesting like "ignore it as to not get in trouble myself" and "watch what they are doing and if they don't get caught then do it myself". These were responses that I wasn't expecting at all... I also noticed that many more French students had emotional or thought responses as to the cheater's character or lack there of.
I wonder about the "honor system" and whether that is the reason most people wouldn't speak up. I think it may be more of a natural inclination not to involve yourself in potentially dramatic situations.
Je voulais savoir, lorsqu'un étudiant au MIT se fait surprendre par un professeur alors qu'il était en train de tricher a un devoir, quels sont les sanctions qui peuvent alors lui être donnés ? Un zéro ? Peut on être renvoyer du MIT pour cela ?