A good parent is someone ...
Un bon parent est quelqu'un ...
helping me when I am in trouble.
that has invested time and effort into the complete development of their child, tempered their authority, but has never hesitated to exercise it when the child has erred. Indeed a good parent has always been there to support the child, specially when the parent is exercising his authority to correct a child's behavior.
trains their child to succeed in many areas in life and whatever the child sets his or her mind to.
who cares for his children, who invests into their education, who allows the children to explore themselves
who cares for their children; who isn't overprotective of their children; who teaches their children how to be polite.
who disciplines their child when necessary, but also gives them the freedom to make their own mistakes.
Who encourages their children to achieve to the best of their ability, while also emphasizing the importance of happiness and a balanced life.
who listens and supports their child emotionally and physically and allows his children to become independent.
who love their child unconditionally and does their best to care for them and support them.
who loves their child and gives them good values.
who loves their child unconditionally.
who loves unconditionally.
who offers advice and support and guidance as opposed to one who demands and reprimands.
who provides for and loves his/her children.
who supports his/her child, raises them with strong morals, gives them freedom.
de confiance, qui aime et qui est toujours là.
de responsable, attentionné.
de responsable, de présent, qui aime son enfant.
est prêt à tout faire pour ses enfants
pardonne tout
présent, juste, pédagogue.
qui aime et éduque bien son enfant.
qui ne fait pas d'abus d'autorité
qui nous soutient
qui nous prépare à vivre en société
qui prend soin de son enfant, qui est attentif, à qui on peut faire confiance, qui n'est pas autoritaire
soutient toujours ses enfant
sympa, gentil, attentif, juste
vous aime toujours quoi qu'on fasse
Prèsque tous les parents aiment leurs enfants , mais pour d'etre un bon parent , ce n'est pas facil. Pour moi, un bon parent est quelqu'un nous aide toujours , et nous donne des conseils nécessaires mais jamais forcer les enfants de faire quelleque chose, c'est à dire , il respecte ses enfants. Il est plutot un bon amie qu'un parent de son enfant.
Je remarque que les américains parlent d'autorité, de discipline, alors que les français ne mentionnent pas cela; c'est drôle, car je pensais que les américains étaient plus laxistes dans leur façon d'éduquer les enfants! Pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous en penser?
It's possible that Americans think that discipline is important in a good parent but maybe we think that many parents aren't good parents. It's also possible that we think of discipline differently. What we call discipline may be considered very lax by you.
It may be true that many american parents are very lax with their children. However, I think that some parents of MIT students may hold discipline and authority to very high regard. For example, my mom is the stereotypical Asian parent who disciplines her kid very regularily and takes authority on many decisions. This is not necessarily what I think a good parent is like, but I think it's very often what I see in my circle of friends.
Personally, I think a good parent always wants to see their children successful and happy, and tries to do everything to make that happen.
I think many American parents try to be friends with their children, but that often comes with a loss of child-parent boundaries. Clement, I think children need to respect their parents and vice versa in order for the guidance and advice parents give to be taken seriously!
That is a very good point. I just wanted to bring up and emphasize the next point: in some sense, even MIT is not representative of the American culture. And not just in their ideas of good parenting. But in this specific case, many of the students are here because they had parents that pushed them to achieve. This is not always true, however, but I have also noticed it in my circles of friends.
I agree with your ideas of what a good parent should be. In a way, a parent can only hope for the best for their children, but cannot ever really give it to them. In this sense, it is different from a friendship. In many friendships, and I hate to generalize like this, but one would give their friend almost anything if it were possible. In a relationship between parents and children, I think parents would be careful what they gave their children, knowing full well the importance of working towards achievement...I think a good parent would want to give their child the world, but would not do so...and instead puch their child to achieve the world on their own.
je suis d'accord avec toi, je pense que le role des parent est de montrer la voie, de donner de l'autonomie aux enfants, au lieu de tout faire pour eux. Sinon, on ne saura pas se débrouiller tous seuls.
Je pense que tout ne dépend pas que du pays, il y a différents types de parents partout. Des amis ont des "parents-copains" tandis que d'autres sont beaucoup plus stricts et certains même se désintéressent plus ou moins de leurs enfants dés qu'ils sont majeurs.
Mais oui je pense qu'un parent "idéal" doit pouvoir montrer la voie comme le dit Michèle. Un parent a sans doute appris les leçons de ses erreurs et donc empêchera ses enfants de faire les mêmes.
je suis d'accord avec toi, et avec Michèle aussi, le plus uimportant, c'est de donner de l'autonomie pour que l'enfant se débrouille dans la vie sans soufrir trop