

America, prison, chains

American, warlike, division

beach, TV, ice cream

choice, self-realization, dream

flag, protests, speech

infinity, progress, satisfaction

liberty, happiness, responsibility

need, responsibility, ability

no restraints, America, success

politicians, eagle, persecution

privilege that should be a right,

Rights, democracy, cage

rights, protests, security

speech, obligations, rights

speech, open spaces, youth

strength, serene, individual

égalité, fraternité, individuelle

besoin, chance,

complexe, théorique, idéal

droit, volonté, agir

droits de l'homme, fondamentale, égalité, fraternité

droits, égalité, respect

essence de la vie, contraire de dictature, abolition esclavage, abolition peine de mort, droits de l'homme

indispensable, mode de pensée, liberté politique, démocratie

libre, penser, écrire, autonome

Libre-expression, liberté de choix, indépendance

une très bonne chose

unique raison de faire guerre, nécessaire, droits de l'homme

volonté, penser, autonomie, se battre


Je trouve que vous êtes plus concrets, alors que pour nous, la liberté est une notion plus abstarite, plus profonde aussi, c'est un concept plus intellectuel.

Je suis très étonné de voir les mots "beach, TV, ice-cream, tennis courts" associé à la liberté!!!!!!!

Pouvez-vous m'éclairer, je ne comprends pas bien; pour moi, ce sont des choses très matérialistes!

D'autant plus étonnant de voir les mots comme "prison, chains" associés au mot "liberté". Pour moi, personnellement, ce sont des concepts tout à fait invers. Pourquoi associez-vous la liberté à ces termes-là?


I think that when someone listed "prison" and "chains" they were thinking of what gets in the way of freedom. Whoever wrote that was probably associated words with a lack of freedom rather than with freedom.


j'aimerais que l'on m'explique pourquoi la liberté vous fait penser au bonheur, on nous impose des lois que nous devons respecter, nous ne sommes donc pas totalement libre et ce n'est pas pour ça que nous ne sommes pas heureux.

he ho, il y a quelqu'un?

Pas un seul commentaire sur la liberté de la part des américains? Vous qui défendez la liberté partout dans le monde?

Bizarre, bizarre...

Michèle, tu te trompe, il y a un commentaire de Adam!!!

Toujours pas de réponse à ma question sur Ice-Cream, TV, tennis court...

Est-ce que vous pensez que votre pays est celui de la liberté?

Hello hello


Only one person put ice-cream, tv, and tennis courts in their definition of freedom, and it certainly wasnt me...


There are many freedoms that are guaranteed to all US citizens by the bill of rights: the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition the government, freedom to own firearms, as well as protections against unreasonable search and seizure, excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment, speedy trial, .....this list goes on

These are all basics that every middle school student knows and doesn't think about after his or her social studies test because these rights are enjoyed on a daily basis.  Personally it is very shocking to hear about rights abuses in other nations because that is extremely rare here.

I guess "liberty" is closer to "liberte"

and "freedom" is closer to "je suis libre". Maybe that is why there comes "beach, TV, ice-cream"...?

What I am talking is that the word "liberte" is very serious word.. Do you use "liberte" when you talk with your friends? What other word in french can be used less seriously to express your feeling "Je suis libre"?

But freedom in english can be used in every situation, it comes in the casual conversation, and also in political conversation...


A lot of students at MIT, including those who replied to this questionnaire, aren't American (I am actually Canadian). This might lead to some words that traditionally wouldn't be associated with the subject being posted. As to the "beach, TV, ice cream, tennis courts" comments, they could be associated with the freedom to do as you want. I'm only guessing, but maybe the person who wrote these enjoys these things and freedom allows them to experience these things. Also, I don't see the word "tennis court" which you mentioned. 

It seems like we are all pretty much on the same page when it comes to this subject. In general we mention the same things, such as rights. The main difference that I see is that the American side had the word "America" several times since it is something that Americans love to associate with their country.

I think we all did put down the same words more or less for liberty. I know in America, liberty and freedom are words that we hear ALL the time. It's sprinkled in every speech and every classroom and every argument. SO it makes sense that we relate all of our lives to these words (TV, beach, etc.). It's almost like America equals freedom to us. 
