A foreigner criticizes your country.


  • Accept criticism and ask about what they think may help the country .
  • Has happened twice, I won both fights
  • If it is a fair criticism, then agree with them.
  • If their criticism is reasonable, they are free to do so.
  • I listen to their criticisms and I argue with the points I disagree with
  • I would defend my country or agree depending on whether or not it is true or false.
  • I would let them have their own opinion.
  • I would try to inform them more about the country
  • Listen to see if it's true, if not then I will jump into the conversation
  • Slightly offended, maybe correct them if they are wrong
  • What the country I live in does is none of their business nor is it mine
  • 为什么呀?
  • 冷静客观分析再予以反驳
  • 冷静机智的回答,用最好的表现让他收回他所说的话。
  • 反击回去
  • 客观看待,思考评语。
  • 很不舒服,先听一下是什么,如果不是事实就反驳。
  • 很气愤。我会做好自己,为国家树立一个好形象。
  • 我会和他讲述我们国家的优势,打消他对我们国家的不好的看法。
  • 我会思考他的话是否有道理
  • 我会感到生气,因为那是我的祖国,而且我会上前问他为什么要那样批评我的国家。
  • 我会纠正他,并且告诉他我的国家有多么好
  • 我会认真倾听,指出外国人说的不对的地方尽力维护国家的形象。
  • 接受批评,但要实事求是。
  • 无知的人,请停止你无礼的言论。
  • 有一点难过。
  • 生气,你的国家就很好吗
  • 生气,并捍卫国家尊严。
  • 相信祖国的实践与现实能力能证明一切
  • 真肤浅 没礼貌
  • 立马反驳,跟他详细介绍我国
  • 笑而不语
  • 纠正他的观点
  • 维护国家荣誉
  • 虚心接受并要求自己改正
  • 赤目以对
  • 首先我会否定他的观点,其次纠正他的错误,赞美我的国家


I noticed that both of our reactions were similar, however American students were less likely to be angry. I think that this is because we value free speech and are okay with others speaking their mind. Are there any opinions that you feel are repressed/not allowed in your country?



I think that the reaction between countries is the same. No matter if you are American or Chinese, it is hurtful when someone insults your country so it is natural for you to respond strongly. I think this is a universal human trait- not one that is only American or Chinese.