A good teacher is someone ...

好老师就是 ...

  • A good teacher is someone who is kind
  • Is able to see/think from the perspective of the student
  • is caring, who looks out for their students,
  • listens to their students and can explain complex topics in simple terms
  • promotes learning and is more than willing to help.
  • who cares about their students
  • who cares for their students and helps in anyway they can.
  • who helps all their students succeed.
  • Who is experienced in what they teach and uses practical exercises
  • who puts in extra effort to help their students
  • 因材施教 平等待人
  • 好老师就是传道授业解惑。
  • 好老师就是关心学生的学习,生活,为学生排忧解难,帮助他们,和他们一起成长。
  • 好老师就是好朋友,好老师就是好向导。
  • 好老师就是时刻为学生着想。
  • 好老师就是用心对待每个同学。好老师就是对同学们一视同仁。
  • 好老师就是能因材施教,好老师就是能和学生成为朋友
  • 好老师就是能够耐心教育学生 ,有针对性的教授知识。
  • 好老师就是认真负责,责任心很强,很受同学们欢迎,都愿意与他做朋友
  • 好老师就是顾及学生尊严
  • 尊重同学的意见
  • 指引学生变成更好的人
  • 无私、大爱
  • 负责,有耐心




In my studies, I have noticed that American teachers are less involved than Chinese teachers. The Chinese teachers that I have had are very nice and personally interested in the students, whereas the American teachers are less personal and are more by the book. With that being said, the American classes have been harder to do well in, but they taught me how to learn material on my own more than the Chinese classes did.
