I wish my ideal boyfriend/ girlfriend …

我的理想对象 …

  • Filthy rich
  • has hair
  • is caring, nice, and considerate of me, my family, friends, and future endeavors.
  • is very funny, smart and fiercely determined.
  • I wish my ideal girlfriend is beautiful and smart
  • was intelligent and beautiful
  • was real
  • will always be there for me
  • 但要有鉴赏能力,要有面对生活的勇气,能够护我周全
  • 她应该是风一样的女子,有着沉鱼落雁之美,有一种让人说不出的气质。
  • 幽默,开朗。
  • 我的理想对象人品好,皮肤白。
  • 我的理想对象应该有内涵足够吸引我,我的理想对象应该爱护我并且一起提升
  • 我的理想对象是会一门乐器,有才艺,自己喜欢的人。
  • 我的理想对象是能带给我安全感,支持我的人。
  • 我的理想对象是高瘦而且能哄我。
  • 才华横溢 帅中带痞
  • 有责任心,阳光
  • 身高比我高,性格幽默开朗,有责任心,对我和家人要好
  • 阳光,帅气,人品好,对我好
  • 高冷






The American students responses seem to be more focused on looks or money, 3 people mentioned that their ideal significant other would be smart. It seems to me that we care more about things that shouldn’t matter too much. As for the Chinese students responses, they were more focused on character and personality. Most of the responses mentioned that their ideal significant other would be good for them. Both American and Chinese students seem to care about looks as well but the Chinese students answers seem more genuine.

Many of the American responses seemed to be focused on physical characteristics such as appearance and money rather than on the significant others characteristics. Many of the Chinese responses on the other hand seemed more sincere and looked a little deeper than just image for the most part. They were more focused on personality, and what truly matters in a person.