You are cashing a personal check at a bank, the employee reads your name on the check and addresses you with your first name.

Vous touchez un chèque dans une banque, l'employé lit votre nom sur le chèque et vous adresse la parole en utilisant votre prénom.

accept it

Don't care, that's ok.

i dont care

I have no problem with someone being less formal than expected.

I take that as an attempt to be personable. I wouldn't be bothered by it.

i would be normal and continue talking to him

I would be surprised and maybe pleased by this.

I would feel appreciated, like the worker knows me personally

I would say hello and answer whatever questions they asked.

I would try to look at his/her badge so I can address him/her by his/her name aswell

I wouldn't mind if they were friendly. If they were not friendly I would give them a piece of my mind.

I'd feel more relaxed with them

I'd feel somewhat uncomfortable, and try to avoid him/her in the future.

I'd think it's getting a little too close, but i wouldn't comment on it, it's not that big of a deal to me

it would be weird, but i wouldn't do anything

It's fine, I prefer to be called by my first name.

smile back

That would be OK

That wouldn't bother me in the least

Thats pretty normal, I probably wouldn't even notice

They were probably trained to do this, saying the first name of people nearly their age and the last name of people much older than them, good idea to keep my business

c est pas grave

cela me fait rire

il est plutot familier, ou alors il s'est trompé, byzarre!

j'ai pas de problème

je le rabroue

Je le tutoie et je l'appelle par son prenom pour lui montrer qu'il faut être à égalité

je le vousvoie toujours

je lui demande de me vouvoyer

je lui demande plus de discrétion

Je lui demande si on se connaît et que je suis pas homo.

Je lui dit qu'on n'a pas gardé les cochons ensemble

je lui rappelle les bonnes règles de correction

je lui rappelle les bonnes règles de correction

je lui réponds

je me dis que cette employé n'a pas reçu d'éducation.

je pense que je trouverai sa réaction inhabituelle et choquante

je souris et lui demande le sien !

je suis un peu surpris

je suis étonné mais je ne dit rien

je suis étonnée, je pense qu'il a suivi une formation dans un organisme américain

je sursaute

s'il est beau, je ne dis rien!

tout dépend du ton et de la personne

ça ne me dérange pas
