A "good" friend is someone...
Un "bon" ami est quelqu'un...
who helps you achieve your goals
lends a helping hand
who is there to listen and give emotional support
who is available in the good times and bad times.
that is available to release one's stress.
who listens to your problems and gives good advice
who you can always talk to.
who keeps secrets and is honest with you.
you can count on
who puts you above himself.
who is trustworthy
like Liz
who is always there to lend an ear
who is always there for you
who listens to you and gives you help.
that you can count on at all times
who is always there for you.
who is always available to listen and help
in whom you can confide your problems.
you can tell anything and can rely on in crisis
accepts all of your faults
who is there to listen when you need him or her.
who cares about you and helps you when you're down
who would try to save my life in danger .
who would do anything for you.
who is willing to listen and help when they can
who you can count on to be there for you
listens to problems, tells the truth
avec qui tu as envie de partir en vacance
te comprend, que tu peux réveiller a 3h du matin
qui sera toujours là
qui est toujours là
avec qui on peut discuter
est là même quand cela va mal.
qui est digne de confiance.
sur lequel on peut compter
en qui on a confiance
qui est là quand on a besoin de lui
qui est loyal a vous.
qui t'aide quand vous en avez besoin.
à qui on peut faire confiance
sur qui je peux toujours compter
qui est fidèle
en qui on a confiance, sur qui on peut compter
qui est toujours là en cas de coup dur
sur qui on peut compter
avec qui on se comprend et à qui on ressemble
qui sait écouter
est toujours disponible
qui donne sans attendre
qui donne sans attendre
sur qui on peut compter
qui sait être à l'écoute