A "well-behaved" child is a child...

Un enfant "bien élevé"
est un enfant...

who learns and understands

which does as s/he's told

who listens to authority and doesn't throw fits

that is obedient and responsible.

that is intellectual and nondestructive.

who obeys his parents and is polite to others

that knows when it's not appropriate to act silly.

who does as he is told.

who does not throw tantrums and is reasonable

who listens.

who is not spoiled or too noisy

who ain't no brat

that is not rowdy or rude

that follows orders

that doesn't complain and respects you.

that does what it has been told

that respect others.

is obedient, attentive and willing to learn.

reasonably obeys/listens to his parents.

obeys their parents

who respects his elders

who doesn't throw temper tantrums.

that knows the rules and obeys them.

who doesn't tear pants every day .

who has manners and respect for others.

who has some respect for their parents

who respects his or her elders

isn't spoilt


aux bonnes manières

qui respecte les autres

qui sait dire bonjour, merci, au revoir


respecte les autres.

qui étudie et fait ses devoirs.

respectueux et qui a du savoir-vivre

poli et respectueux


qui respecte ses ainés

qui dit bonjour à tout le monde.


qui respecte les autres et une certaine morale

poli et calme

poli, agréable avec tout le monde

qui sait se débrouiller seul



qui connaît le respect

qui ne pleure pas dans le TGV

qui n'est pas égoiste

qui n'est pas égoiste

qui obéit à ses parents

qui sait dire merci
