A guest in your house opens the fridge
and helps himself/herself.

Un(e) de vos invité(e)s va se servir
dans le frigo sans vous demander la permission.

I would make a note to do the same at his/her house.

I would say to my guest, "Help yourself."

I don't care.

Poor folk lacks some manners. He could have asked.

I would offer to help him/her get something to eat.

I must be a bad host not to have offered first.

I'm glad they feel at home.

If he is a close friend, I don't mind.

Tell him/her s/he's welcome

I'm cool with it.

They would be welcome to have anything.

I hope it is a good friend.

If I offered, then that is OK. I wouldn't appreciate it if
I did not.

I hope it is a good friend.

Depending who is my guest, I might get annoyed

I am doing a great job making the person feel comfortable.

I will be shocked almost.

ok, rude person!

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you hungry or thirsty? I should've
asked earlier."

It depends on who the person is. Usually, I'd tell them where
more food was

I think that they are rude.

If it's a good friend of mine who visits often, I don't mind.

I don't mind. Any of my guests is welcome to my food.

They are impolite

If it is not a frequent guest (friend) I would think them
very rude.

If I did not know the person well, I would think that they
were being rude.

I would be silent but think how rude the guest is being.



Prenez en une autre, j'ai soif!

tant qu'il me laisse mes comptes...

je lui dis de ne pas se géner

il(elle) avait faim, peut importe si il(elle) ne mange pas
le foie gras.

Je demanderais un coca, puisqu'il est au frigo.

Je lui dis : "faites comme chez vous !"

je lui dis qu'il n est pas chez lui

Je lui permettrais de se servir dans le frigo

je lui en fais la remarque

il a reçu une mauvaise éducation

je l'engueule

il est gonflé, mais il n'y a pas mort d'homme

Je lui demande si tout va pour le mieux et s'il veut un coup
de main.

Allez y, faîtes comme chez vous.

je fais pareil chez lui

Je trouve cela sans gêne et le lui dit.

s'il a pris le champagne que je gardais au frais, je le réduis
en bouillie

Je la mets mal à l'aise

T'es gonflé toi !

s'il a faim...c'est de ma faute

Je trouve cela incorrect mais je ne dis rien

Je lui dis qu'il est gonflé
