A good teacher/professor...

Un buon insegnante/professore...

challenges her students.

helps you regardless,
actually cares about their students,
doesn't care about their paychecks more than you

is honest and persuasive

is incredibly interested in the subject themselves.

is patient and willing to explain things over again.

is someone who is clear, has a great connection with his students, challenges his students to go beyond the material and shows them the whole picture.

listens to his students and is down to earth, explains the topics clearly, is understanding and willing to help his students.

teaches to learn.

รจ quello che ti sa valorizzare

capisce e aiuta i propri alunni.

che ti sappia comprendere,e che sia un buon educatore sotto tutti i punti di vista

deve considerare la situazione di ogni alunno, non deve regalare voti o fare favoritismi

deve saper trasmettere al meglio il suo sapere ai suoi alunni.

ha un compito importante e puo' svolgerlo solo con passione e impegno
