A good student is someone who...

Un bon étudiant est quelqu'un qui...

achieves good grades.

Actually does their homework

Always pays attention, do their homework, participates, and tries their hardest

always tries their hardest.

balances social and academics.

can apply themselves at school, studies regularly

does all of their homework ontime and cares about their grades.

does not cheat and becomes successful on his own.

does their best in school.

does their work and tries hard in school. They know how to prioritize.

does their work to the best of their ability.

earns grades without cheating or plagerism.

focuses, does homework, respects everyone

gets good grades based on their own efforts

gets good grades.

gets good grades. applies themselves.

Hands in work regularly
completes assignments on time

is consistent in their work and their work ethic.

is responsible and intelligent.

is responsible.

learns, has respect

pays attention during class, recieves good grades

sees the improtance of trying hard and always doing his or her best.

someone who gets good grades and doesn't get in trouble

studies and works hard.

studies for tests.

Studies hard and does all their homework.

studies hard and does the best they can.

studies, prepares, works hard.

tries his or her hardest

tries their hardest in school and puts much effort in their work.

Trys there hardest at everything they do.

wants to be educated

works hard and budgets their time wisely.

works hard and does everything they can to accomplish and meet their goals.

works hard and gets good grades.

works hard and is very responsible.

works hard and prioritizes

works hard and studies.

works hard for their overall grade at the end of each year.

works hard to get good grades.

works hard, gets straight A's, studies instead of doing fun things.

works hard, succeeds, tries his best

works his hardest to be the best.

works to the best of their ability.

... est serieux , attentif en classe , autonome et travailleur .

a de bonnes notes, qui travaille, et qui souhaite la réussite.

a l'esprit curieux,
est actif en cours,
travaille régulièrement,

est motivé,sérieux

est rigoureux , qui aide les autres et qui fait avancé le groupe

est sérieux et travailleur

fait ses devoirs

S'interresse, cherche des informations. ( Lecture de livres )

Travail correctement, qui a de bons résultats, et qui a l'envie de travailler.

travail, écoute et est respectueux envers ses professeurs et ses camarades.

travail, est sérieux

travail, réfléchit, fait des efforts


travaille beaucoup, qui réussit

travaille bien

travaille et est sérieux

travaille sérieusement et régulièrement

travaille, réussie, a de la volonté

travaille, se cultive, veut réussir
