
Cultura Exchange Tool

If you are interested in starting your own Cultura exchange, you can now use our Cultura exchange tool and be hosted at MIT.

Please contact us. You will be able to easily create questionnaires, open forums, and manage students groups.

Your exchange will also become part of our archived Past Exchanges.

Levet guest lecture at University of Potsdam

Sabine Levet gave a guest lecture on Cultura via Skype to students at University of Potsdam, Germany. The very diverse group of students (from Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Belgium, the Czech Republic) in Alexander Knoth’s class focus on “Comparative Social Policies revisited by Gender”, and publish on the blog News Activist, which is a global network of collaborating student writers. They work across cultures with a variety of documents, and were reflecting on what it means to ‘learn’ about another culture. (October 30, 2014)

Furstenberg talk at University of Leon

Gilberte Furstenberg gave a talk at the Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education Conference, held at University of Leon, Spain in February 2014.  The title of her talk was: The Cultura model: key methodological and pedagogical features. 


A related talk was delivered by Dorothy Chun, titled: Meta- synthesis of Cultura- based projects.

New publication about Cultura

A book dedicated to Cultura-inspired projects- in Asia and the Pacific - was recently published by the NFLC (National Foreign Language Center) at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa: