A rude person

Une personne impolie

acts with disregard
for others.
others, and does is inconsiderate.

is not

disregards you.

does not care for other's feelings.

does not repond when spoken to or who is responds with irritation

does not respect others.

does not respect others.

doesn't care about others.

doesn't care about others.

doesn't hold the door for you when you're both going outside.

doesn't think what he/she does or says to other people

who has
no consideration for others

who has
no manners or etiquette.

who has
no tact.

ignores everyone.

ignores other people's feelings

ignores other people's feelings.

interrupts or shouts or who is not respectful of others' space.

interrupts, who disregards order

who is
a cj

who is
always seeking to exploit others.

who is
self-centered and feels s/he has a 'right' to say whatever comes
to her/his mind

who is
self-centered and inconsiderate.

who is

lacks consideration for his neighbors.

lacks refinement

prejudges others, who makes others conscious of their


swears. who pushes through.

who will not say hello to people
they know on the street.

de grossière et vulgaire

de mal elevée

ne respecte pas les autres

ne respecte pas les règles
minimum de savoir vivre

qui abuse de la disponibilité
des autres, qui est indiscrète et qui s'impose trop.

qui considère autrui
comme étant à son service

qui est désagréable
avec plus agé que soi.

qui est sans gêne,
qui ne pense qu'à elle

qui manque de respect envers

qui n'a pas de savoir vivre

qui n'essaie pas d'être
agréable avec les autres

qui ne dit pas bonjour

qui ne dit pas bonjour,qui
ne tient les portes,qui insulte les autres sans raison

qui ne nous écoute
pas quand nous parlons

qui ne regarde pas dans les
yeux quand elle dit bonjour

qui ne respecte pas autrui

qui ne respecte pas autrui.

qui ne respecte pas les bonnes

qui ne respecte pas les gens
qu'il devrait

qui ne respecte rien

qui ne sait pas se tenir
en public

qui ne vous écoute
pas lorsque vous parlez

qui refuse de vous laisser

qui se moque des autres



- 11:46am
Oct 26, 2001



of 4)

It's interesting that this topic got no responses at all. I wonder why. In any case, I have a question for the French students:

It seems to me that in general the French are much more frank in their general social discourse. In reading the fora, I have had difficulty with the directness of some of the French responses. To me, it is very rude to be too direct with strangers I have never met, especially about political issues. I think this might be why all the American responses to the word "France" were so polite and non-political. How do you treat that issue in France? Is political discourse always immune from being considered rude in France? What would be rude to say to a new penpal?

- 08:41pm Oct
29, 2001



of 4)

From the reactions to the phrase a "rude person" I am left with the impression that french and american people have a similar definition of what a rude person is. What I am wondering is how well do you have to know a person to pass on the judgement that he/she is rude? In the US a person who simply talks back to you can be considered rude sometimes.

- 08:11pm Nov
4, 2001



of 4)

Marcos > c'est pareil en France : souvent il n'y a pas besoin de discuter longtemps avec quelqu'un pour se rendre compte qu'il (ou elle) est malpoli(e) !

- 08:42am
Nov 5, 2001



of 4)

Sarah :

Qu'est-ce que tu appelles "be rude" ? Etre direct c'est être impoli ?
Mais tu vois même ici en France il y a des gens qui ont été choqués par la manière directe de certaines réponses...

bisous quand même