Good-bye and thank you!/Au revoir et merci!


Hi! It's been an awesome semester with you guys! Although our responses were geared toward the French and the American perspectives, it was great to see perspectives from all over the world. Anyways, I don't want to make this become long and sappy. Au revoir mes amis.

It was a pleasure to share this electronic classroom with you. I'll post here my email (; if someone needs something in the future I will be glad to help. Also, I'm planning to spend a semester in France in 2008. I know is a little too far yet, but maybe one of you will help me with that, hehe. In the mean time, au revoir.

Hello! This was a nice cross-cultural exchange. I hope you enjoy the holiday season, and best wishes to you and your families. Hopefully you can go somewhere warmer!

I think it would be interesting if we could meet someday (it would be even more interesting it occurs randomly)... If you someday decide to come to Puerto Rico, feel free to contact me and I would gladly take you around: nice beaches, 45 cents beers, etc.
Good bye. ~Javier
P.SMy email is

hahaha that last post was mine (Javier's)... I don't know why this always happens to me...

Hi!! I really enjoyed getting to know you through cultura. It may have been a little difficult for me to engage in the discussions because I have only been living in the United States for only around two years, so I don't know too much about its culture... but it was fun to follow the discussions that took place in the forums, and always interesting to read your posts. Thank you for your time and effort =) Like Aline, i'd like to avoid making this sappy, but i hope you will always remember that you have friends in this part of the world =)... my e-mail is, and i'd also be glad to help you if u ever neeed anything, or just want to visit Boston or (or Syria where i'm from.. =) ) Hope you have a great holiday with your friends and family! Au revoir!

It was nice talking to you guys and exchanging valuable information about our cultures. Thanks for the long and elaborate responses, they really helped us understand french culture and views a little bit better. As the others said, it would be funky if we meet one day :) I will hopefully spend the next summer(2007) in Paris working at an architecture firm, so who knows, maybe I will contact one of you guys for advice! :) Cheers!

Thanks so much for giving us insight into French culture. I gained many different perspectives on the issues we discussed, thanks to you. I hope your college experiences are going well. Good luck and good bye!

Thank you all for withstanding with my nonsenses. Hahaha. I'm always a happy-go-lucky person. If we do meet up one day, feel free to contact me. is my email. If you're up late and feeling lazy, you can also contact me DarkAce46 on instant messenger.

If i disrespected anyone, this is just my personality. hahaha. Good night all.

Thank you very much for taking your time to participate in the forums with us. For my part, I felt like I learned a lot about French culture. Just seeing how you write was interesting enough for me! The style was so different from the American style of writing. Again, thank you, and good bye =)
Oh! and happy holidays!

Hi everyone, I really enjoyed this mode of communication and appreciate your detailed responses answering all of our questions. Good luck with the rest of the school year, and please come see MIT if you are ever in the states!

Hi! I had a great time sharing our cultures this semester. I learned a lot, not only about the French, but about how they perceive American as well. Hopefully, someday I will be able to see all the things you talked about in person when I visit France. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and happy holidays! Bye!

hey all! it was fun getting to chat with all of your via cultura. i definitely feel like i learned a lot about french culture, i hope you guys learned some about us too :) thanks and happy holidays! gina

Hi everyone.
It's amazing how fast the term has gone by! I had a great time learning from your posts, and Franch culture overall. I'm visiting Paris sometimes in January, so I'm really excited to see everything I've learned here in person.
Thanks for a great term!
Happy holidays,


Salut tout le pense que je vais répondre pour tout le monde. Nous sommes tous plongés dans les révisions car pour nous les examens commencent aujourd'hui (par le TOEIC), donc tout le monde reste très concentré! ça a été très intéressant de partager une classe virtuelle avec vous et d'échanger nos points de vues, voir nos points communs et différences...ça permet d'apprendre beaucoup sur les autres et surtout de chasser certaines idées fausses ;) En tout cas merci pour tout, ce forum nous a engendré de nombreuses discussions au sein de notre classe. Bonne vacances à tous, joyeux Noël et j'espère à bientôt (mon email:

Before I leave our virtual world, I would like to ask a final question. Was it hard for you guys to understand us when we we in colloquial English? I must admit that at times it was rather difficult to comprehend what was said on the other end of the line. Thank you and enjoy everything. Smile through everything and live for what is here and now.

Coucou! Je tenais à vous remercier tous pour vos messages sur ce forum et à vous dire que ce programme a été très enrichissant pour moi, car c'est toujours intéressant de confronter des idées et des points de vues surtout entre personnes de cultures et d'origines différentes. Cela permet à chacun de s'ouvrir un peu plus sur les autres, d'être moins naïfs et moins attachés aux stéréotypes! ça serait bien qu'on puisse vous rencontrer en chair et en os si vous veniez à Paris dans les mois à venir! En tous cas je pense que notre prof d'anglais, Ms English nous préviendra si une telle rencontre pouvait s'organiser! A bientôt tout le monde et bon courage dans la suite de vos études! ;-)

Salut tout le monde… Enfin les examens sont finis lol je tenais à vous remercier car pour ma part se programme d’échange a été très enrichissant. Pouvoir échanger des avis, des opinions sa été une véritable chance d’ailleurs ça serais bien de vous rencontrez si vous venez sur Paris dans les prochains mois. Notre prof nous le dira je pense !! Je vous souhaite en tout cas beaucoup de courage pour vos études et surtout un Joyeux noël et une excellente Année 2007. Que cette nouvelle année vous apporte beaucoup de chose et réalise vos rêves ;-). A bientôt, Bye !
