Waiting in line

Dans la file d'attente

"Excuse me sir, the end of the line is that way."

"excuse me! the line is back here!"
ask them to leave
complaining to the authorities usually work; if I'm
in a good mood, though, I wouldn't bother
get past them
I don't do anything.
I say, "Excuse me, there is a line here. Do you think
you're more important than the rest of the people here?"
I tell him/her that he/she should stand in line in
the back
I will tell the person to go to the back of the line.

I would call his/her attention, very loud so the people
in the line would also notice
I would do nothing. I am used to it.
I would find him/her rude but would do nothing.
I would have a polite word with the stranger and tell
him that his behavior was not fair to the others.
I would just let them.
I would just move in front of them.
I would politely remind him/her that the line starts
somewhere behind.
I would say, get in line.
I would tell the person that I was in line and that
he/she should go to the end.
I would tell the person that the line starts farther
back and that it's not fair for him to get served before me.
I would think that they are in a bigger hurry than
I'll tell the person that he/she should go make line.

I'll tell the person that's not the end of the queue,
Probably do nothing, depending on the rush I'm in.

Say, "Excuse me, but the end of the line is over there."
It's possible they didn't notice.
Start complining.

"Ca va? Je ne vous dérange pas au moins?" et
je lui fais un grand sourire pour qu'il se sente mal à l'aise.

il doit être pressé...
il y a une file d'attente, je crois...
je deviens agressif mais j'essaie de l'ignorer
Je dis : " excusez moi mais je crois que c'est à
Je dis, "Pardon" mais fais rien.
je fais une remarque à voix haute mais je ne
l'interpelle pas directement
Je ferais certainement une remarque ironique.
je l'oblige à reprendre sa place
je le tance et lui dit de retourner à sa place
ou au moins derrière moi.
je lui demande de repasser derrière (je déteste
Je lui demande si ça ne le dérange pas
je lui dis que j'étais là avant lui
et je lui repasse devant
je lui en fais la remarque
Je lui explique comment fonctionne une file d'attente

je lui fais remarquer que j'attends depuis plus longtemps
que lui et lui demande de reprendre sa place dans la file
Je lui fais remarquer que son comportement est déplacé.
J'irai jusqu'à repasser devant lui sous son nez.
Je lui fais remarqué mais ne m'énerve
pas pour autant.
Je lui fais très justement remarquer qu'il
vient de me passer devant
Je lui fait comprendre qu'il y a une queue et que
ca n'est pas fait pour les chiens ...
Je lui fait remarquer que la fin de la queue est ailleurs.

je lui pince les fesses
Je m'interpose pour l'empêcher de me doubler

Je n'apprécie pas la chose et j'en fais la
remarque à mes amis.
je ronchonne
on lui de revenir derrière


bonjour c'est encore moi (enfin un post ou je vais être premier)

La première chose que je remarque dans ces réponse c'est bien entendu l'extrème ressemblance des réponses : on l'ignore ou on lui fait remarquer. Les seuls différences étant toujours l'ironie Française, et le fait que les Américain ont tendance à rester plus polie (à mon avis)

Cepandant quelque chose m'as intriguer. L'un de vous a parler d'aller en referer aux autorité. Or en France la plus part du temps un tel comportement entrainerer une grande hilarité (la police à mieux à faire et les gens qui s'occupe de la queue aussi). Pourtant il disait que cela marchait normalement. Cela m'étonne donc est ce vrai? Mais alors quel sont les autorité en question : la police, les services d'ordre, le responsable??


      I, too, noted that the sarcasm of the French. One said that he would explain how a line functions (ha, ha). Another said he would pinch the person who cut in line.

      I've oftentimes been in a line and had people cut in front of me. I am very annoyed by this, but I don't actually do anything. Sometimes, another person will yell, "No cutting!" or tell the authorities. (In response to Emmanuel, the authority is whoever is in charge. i.e. the person standing behind the desk to serve you.) Most of the time, if someone calls attention to the person who cuts in line, that person will just be defensive and refuse to move to the back of the line.

      I am quite used to people cutting in front of me. In fact, there was a rule made up by students at my high school that seniors had priority over everyone else for food. i.e. Seniors would cut in front of underclassmen in the lunch line.



It seems to me that Americans have this notion that telling people that they are doing something wrong is impolite. So either they won't do anything about it and just think badly of the person, or they will try to say something really politely so that they won't try to offend the person. Perhaps the people take things too personally. To me, the French seem to not care about what the other person would think. It seems like they know what's right and wrong. They know that cutting in line is very impolite, and they will boldly tell the person cutting the line that what they're doing is wrong. I'm thinking that perhaps Americans take things more personally most of the time.


Hello all,

Emmanuel, my response to your question on who represents authority is: I don't know; it wasn't my response. However, I do have to agree with you that it is somewehat amusing to involve "authority" in a situation like this, even in the US. What exactly does one expect the person in authority to do in this case? Force the offender to go back in line? That will just cause unnecessary embarassment for all the parties involved: the person stripped of his/her dignity, and the person who was to chicken to encounter confrontation.

I found a very funny response in the French section. Someone responded: "Je lui pince les fesses." which I interpreted to mean: "I'll pinch his/her butt." (ha!) Was this meant to have a literal meaning or is my interpretation wrong?
