How often do I use Cultura?


How frequently you use Cultura depends in large part on whether you are on a trimester, semester or yearly schedule.

If you are on a trimester or semester schedule:

It is important to realize that Cultura, by its very nature, cannot be an adjunct to an already existing syllabus. It needs to be the centerpiece of your course. A possible scenario (based on 11 weeks):

  • week 1: introduction to Cultura: approach and preliminary activities.
  • weeks 2, 3 and 4: Questionnaires and their corresponding forums
  • week 5: Data and forums
  • weeks 6 and 7: Films and forums
  • weeks 8: Newsstand and forums
  • week 9: Library and forums
  • weeks 10 and 11: Final projects/activities

Although the schedule above can be somewhat compressed if needs be, it is important to keep in mind that Cultura is very process-oriented and that the process cannot be shortened too much. But of course, you can skip some modules, depending on how much time you have. But again, remember that a minimum of eight weeks is recommended

If you are on a yearly schedule:

Since you have a much more extended time frame, it is possible for you to integrate Cultura into an already existing syllabus, by using it once a week for instance.