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Furstenberg, Gilberte, and Sabine Levet. "Integrating telecollaboration into the language classroom: some insights." In Telecollaboration 2.0 for Language and Intercultural Learning, edited by Melinda Dooly and Robert O'Dowd, 305-336. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2010.
Bauer, Beth, Lynne deBenedette, Gilberte Furstenberg, Sabine Levet, and Shoggy Waryn. "Internet-mediated Intercultural Foreign Language Education: The Cultura Project." In Internet-mediated Intercultural Foreign Language Education, edited by Julie A. Belz and Steven L. Thorne, 31-62. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2006.
Levet, Sabine, and Shoggy Waryn. "Using the Web to Develop Students’ In-depth Understanding of Foreign Cultural Attitudes and Values." In Changing Language Education through CALL, edited by Randall P. Donaldson and Margaret Haggstrom, 95-118. New York: Routledge, 2006.
Furstenberg, Gilberte. "Reading Between the Cultural Lines." In Reading Between the Lines: Perspectives on Foreign Language Literacies, edited by Peter Patrikis. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.
Furstenberg, Gilberte. "Using communication tools to foster cross-cultural understanding." In NFLRC Symposium., 2004.
Furstenberg, Gilberte. "Constructing French-American Understanding: the Cultura project." Politics, Culture and Society, no. Spring special issue based on a Middlebury symposium, Déjà Views: How Americans Look at France (2003).
Furstenberg, Gilberte. "Giving a Virtual Voice to the Silent Language of Culture: The Cultura Project." Language Learning and Technology 5, no. 1 (2001).
Furstenberg, Gilberte, and Sabine Levet. "Français et Américains en vis-à-vis: dialogues et découvertes." The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville 23, no. 2 (2002).
Cultures Française et Américaine en Vis-à-vis: Un Projet Interactif et Collaboratif Visant à Développer la Compréhension Interculturelle In UPLEGESS Colloquium., 1999.
Furstenberg, Gilberte. "Nouveaux outils, nouvelle pédagogie." Revue Internationale d’Education 18 (1998).
Ray, Robin H.. French language program plumbs cultural depths., 2006.