In the fridge

Dans le frigo

Feel slightly perturbed, but do nothing
I confront the guest.
I do not care much
i don't appreciate that
I don't care if they are close friendsI don't
say anything
I think he/shehas no manner
I think that he is rude. I just won't invite
him back again
I would ask my friend if this was normal.
i would think she/he is rude
I wouldn't mind but I would be surprised.
I wouldn't mind once or twice; he is my guest.
I'd tell my friend that I didn't approve,
and they'd tell their friend.
It is rude and I suggest that he asks permission
the next time
Keep it to myself.
oh well...his parents didn't teach him manners\
say it's ok
Since the person is a guest I make no comment.
Too bad, the person is an idiot

C'est un sans-gêne.
Ça ne me pose aucun problème,je
m'excuse de ne pas l'avoir proposé moi-même
Ce n'est pas grave,j'aurais du proposer avant.
Faudrait pas se gêner ! Et les autres
il aurait pu au moins demander
Il est gonflé !
il ou elle raison, j'aurai du lui proposer.
Ironiquement:"je t'en prie, fais comme
chez toi"
j'en parle avec mon ami(e) avant de m'énerver
Je la surveille mais je ne l'empêche
Je le laisse se servir car c'est mon invité
Je le lasse faire car c'est mon inviti
Je le lui demande s'il veut quelque chose
de particulier.
Je lui demande qui lui a permis une telle
je lui demande s'il a besoin de quelque chose
je lui dis:Fallait me dire que t'étais
mort de faim
Je lui explique qu'il aurait dû demander
mais qu'il n'y a aucun problème!
je lui fais remarquer
je lui fais remarquer qu' il est sans gêne
Je lui fais une remarque gentille mais claire.
je n'apprécie pas mais je ne dis rien
Je ne dis rien, mais je n'en pense pas moins
je ne fais rien
je pense qu'il est sans-gêne.
Je rale...
je trouve que c'est mal polie et en fait
la remarque gentillement
Pas de problème si l'invité
n'abuse pas.
pas de problème,mais j'ai un apriori


Bon appétit.

Je suis d'accord avec Etienne. Je suis tout de meme intrigué par le sujet...

Bonjour! Peut etre la vraie question est elle:que gardez vous dans VOTRE réfrigérateur? Elle est là la vraie différence culturelle...

Hi Etienne: I think the difference goes back to the whole notion of Americans' individualism. Americans take a lot of things very personally, especially things involving their possessions. This topic reminded me of "impolite person." A lot of the answers from the Americans indicated a personal offense as being rude. So I guess taking the food out of your fridge without asking is also considered a personal offense. That your guest does not respect your home, and your possessions, because he did not ask before touching things in your house.

The fridges normally contain milk for the cereal and "doggy bags" from the previous week's restaurant visits and take-home meals. The left-over food is considered a delicacy, is consumed cold and is the major source of home-prepared nutrition. Saturday's cheese pizza is a typical favorite and is well worth heavy protection. A six-pack or two of Dr. Pepper to accompany the meals is also common.

My fridge has milk, juice, and left overs from my cooking or going out to eat. And then my suitemate takes up the rest of it with his food. He has a lot of stuff in there.. I wouldn't appreciate people taking stuff I spent hard-earned money to buy. Neither does my suitemate- that's why the suite door is always locked. Taking someone else's food is practically the same as stealing!

In my culture, opening someone else's fridge can be described as directly proportional to your closeness to the owner of the fridge (here is where you can see MIT's influence over daily life). I would never open a fridge if I don't have a close relationship with that person, it has to be a relative, a friend, etc. for me to feel free to do that. Of course, I wouldn't say anything if someone that I don't know that well opens the fridge in my house, but I would feel uncomfortable. It may seem akward, but I don't care that much if someone opens my little fridge I have in my dorm room. Everything that I've said before refers to the fridge in my house back home (Puerto Rico). Maybe it has to do with respect for other people, when they open my little frige, they are only opening my private space, while when they open my home fridge, they are getting into the private space of my whole family. I have a question for you. This past summer we had some French students that came to PR in a student exchange program. Of course, they open the fridge as if it were a normal thing to do, but they also did another thing that I would never do if I'm not invited to: they all went to most private part of hte house, the bedrooms. Do you see something wrong with going to someone's bedrrom, do you think it inormal to do that, or do you think you may be invading someone's private space?

My question is liek Lizmarie's: how often do French people visit their friends (not necessarily close friends) without calling/notifying ahead of time? Since you do not seem to protect your personal space and belongings so much, how far would you go allowing someone to take what is yours (food, time, etc)? Let's say you have a really annoying acquaintance visiting you when you are really busy, what's your reaction to that?

voila puisque vous nous avez donné le contenu des frigos américains je vous donne le contenu du mien (c'est tres personnel donc ne l'ébruitez pas) Alors il y a des vieux yaourts périmés depuis 1 mois ,et puis essentiellement de l'alcool : bieres(c'est bon frais),Cidre,Champagne... A ce propos je tiens a dire que LAURENT et ETIENNE sont 2 gros voleurs,ils n'arretent pas de piquer a boire dans mon frigo : quelle bande d'alcooliques !!!!
