

books, friends
class, teacher, student
college, to learn, books
Education, Learn
exploration, deadlines
hard work, classes
hell, fun, stimulating
homework, exams, teachers
homework, stress, friends
homework, study
learning, homework
meeting people, knowledge, breaking limits
MIT, INT, students
MIT, lectures, exams
MIT, teachers, books
study evolution learning
Teacher, books
work, classes, exams
work, stress, friends
work, students, homework

amis, journée, emploi du temps
apprendre, livres, science
boulot, potes, contrainte
camarades, apprentissage, cours
concessions, fini,
cours, professeurs, devoirs
Education, apprentissage
élèves, professeur, devoirs
enfants, professeur, éducation
études, cour de récréation,
études, cour de récréation,
formateur, ennuyeux, obligatoire
INT, lycée, amis
Jeunesse, violence, travail
professeurs, devoirs, cours
récréation, professeurs, cours
travail, amis, classes
travail, associations, enrichissement personnel
travail, culture, enseignement
travail, diplôme, amis
travail, éducation, études
travail, formation
travail, lieu, professeurs
Travail, Responsabilité, Apprentissage
travail, vacances, lever tôt
université, étudiants, apprendre
université, étudier, professeur


est-il vrai que vous puissiez parler avec vos profs et c'est pourquoi vous associent les profs avec l'ecole plus que nous?
Nous avons les classes grandes. Alors, nous ne parlons pas avec les profs la plupart du temps.

Oui Adeline, nous avons la chance de travailler souvent en petits groupes de

Hello! Just a few quick questions. Do any of you see school positively, negatively, or neutrally? Do you like school? And if you do, why? And if you don't, why?

Do you feel that school means lots of pressure and stress? I saw a lot of you mentioned work as association, as opposed to 'hard work' or 'stress'. Also, do you have any extracurricular activities? What do you guys like to do in your free time?

Pour répondre à Catherine, je trouve que l'école est une bonne chose puisqu'elle nous apporte des connaissances et nous permet de nous insérer dans la vie sociale. Mais je ne peux pas dire si j'aime l'école ; en revanche, j'aime apprendre. Malgré tout l'école n'est pas tout. Pour s'épanouir, je pense qu'il faut faire d'autres activités, comme le sport (je fais du volleyball, du badminton, un peu de tennis...), qui permettent de découvrir d'autres personnes voire même d'autres cultures. Quels sont vos passe-temps - à part travailler ?

Most of us,from both the French and the American sides associate school with stress, work and friends.Do you think that school is the 'hell of work' and the 'paradise of friends'? Or not at all?

Most of us, from both the French and the American sides associate school with stress, work and friends. Do you think that school is the 'hell of work' and the 'paradise of friends'? Or not at all?

At MIT, we call our school "Hell" and say we hate it, but many people really love it. Still, it is a lot of work. Do you feel that your school becomes the only part of your life while you are a student?

Hi, I wonder if you guys are already certain about your major/future profession when you enter the university or Grand Ecole. Do you have a fair choice there to change your career, or you start to specialize right from the very beginning, so that to change something one has to enter another institution?

It sounds like your groups called "travaux dirige" are a lot like our recitation sections for large classes. It is a time to meet, ask questions, and try problems. Outside of class work and classes, a lot of us play intramural sports, participate in service or clubs, or socialize in our living groups.
Is there a lot of competition between the students or are you more cooperative learners. I feel like people at MIT in general work together a lot to study and do homework. Everyone is really supportive rather than competitive.

MIT is a university that demands a lot of time. Therefore, I usually don't have as much free time as I would like to have. But when I'm free during the week, I usually watch TV or just spend time with my friends. During weekends, we usually go to the movies, to eat dinner or shopping. I don't like playing sports, but a lot of students at MIT play various sports: volleyball, football, soccer, tennis, etc.

Hi Kosal, I guess students in general see school in very similar ways. =) As for activities, Lizmarie mentioned most of the things that students do. I personally dance in a dance group on campus. I also have a job in lab. As for fun, I like eating good food. =) I realize that Boston's food may be nothing compared to France's, but we still have pretty good food here, especially from all different cultures. So on weekends, I get together with my friends and hang out with them and go out for dinner. I have another question, are extracurricular activities a big part of schools in France, both at a secondary school level and also at the university level?

Actually, also we can say that we had to go under a lot of pressure in order to enter the INT, life is now way better, and much more easy. But it is still the "heaven of friends", as you said, since it is the place you spend the most time in the day... so that is where you can make more friends.

Salut Catherine, les activités extra-scolaires ne sont pas vraiment mises en valeur en France :-( . Mais comparé à la fac, l'INT est quand même très avantagé ! Nous avons un super campus (cf ) avec un gymnase et trois courts de tennis. Des modules de formation humaine nous sont proposés pour s'ouvrir vers le monde extérieur (théâtre, musique, écriture,...). J'espère que j'ai répondu à ta question. :-))

A lot of people mentioned extra-curricular activies. I also agree that they are important. I am a member of the Varsity Track team at MIT and I spend about 25 hours a week training and competing. Without track, I don't know how I'd survive at MIT. All I would do is worry about work! Are there any Varsity sports at L'INT?

Salut Dimitry,comme nous étudions dans une école de Télécommunications,nous nous spécialisons dans le secteur de l'information et des outils de communications mais il est toujours possible de changer le profil de sa formation en choisissant les options qui nous interessent dans ce domaine.A la sortie de l'école, certains diplômés deviendront ingénieurs,mais ils pourront également travailler dans une banque, ou créer leur propre entreprise ou même utiliser leurs compétences pour travailler dans un autre domaine que les communications.

Salut, pour répondre à la question de Jee Y Bang, je dirais que oui!Bien sur que le stress est présent dans notre vie à l'école(cas de comptabilité, cas de marketing ...), et justement il faut plein d'activités extra-scolaires pour équilibrer. Personnellement, je fais du Taï-Chi, et 3 heures de Tennis par week-end.Le week-end je vais aussi voir des pièces de théâtre, au cinéma ,je sors etc...Bref, une vie bien remplie.