What the U.S. needs the most ...
中国最需要的是 ...
- a different president
- a good leader, more jobs
- A social and political revoution
- is an open mind and an attitude of acceptance.
- is for the American people to grow up.
- is love and respect for everyone.
- is more freedoms for disenfranchised groups, such as immigrants and minorities
- Tougher millenials
- unity.
- What the U.S. needs the most is a good presidentA
- 中国最需要的是一个好的领导人和各族人民团结在一起
- 中国最需要的是伟大的思想。
- 中国最需要的是具有创新能力和对事业有冲劲的建设性人才。
- 中国最需要的是创新精神和传承传统文化
- 中国最需要的是发展,中国最需要的是科技,中国最需要的是富强
- 中国最需要的是强大的经济实力,因为经济基础决定上层建筑。
- 中国最需要的是环保。
- 中国最需要的是走出国门,走向世界,让其他人了解中国。
- 中国最需要的是进步,中国最需要的是改善足球水平
- 中国最需要的是高素质的人才
- 人才创新
- 发展教育经济
- 团结爱国的心,科学文化和思想文化的教育
- 提高国民素质,加快城市和农村生活环境的改善,提升综合国力
- 有创造性的年轻人
- 核心科技,技术人才,对外市场
- 良好的空气,贫富之间的平衡
In America we should have a limited government where most powers are left up to the individual state. Many of Americas “founders and framers” believed in this ideology. Throughout the American constitution there are many securities in place to protect the population from minority rule but, there is little to protect the population from the majority. Having a limited government would protect America from the majority by allowing states to decide on certain key rights. This would not alienate any states because each state would be deciding their own final ruling on each subject.
What affects of the CPC, Communist Party of China, can you see echoed throughout Chinese culture and government regulations?