You are on a long bus ride. The person sitting next to you starts talking and asks you friendly but personal questions about your life (where you are from, what your parents do, what are you pastimes...).
在搭长途公车的路上。坐在你旁边的人开始跟你说话,友善地问你一些私人生活问题 (你从哪儿来, 你父母做什么, 你平常喜欢做的事等)。
- Have a conversation
- Have a conversation with them.
- I ask them to stop and put on my headphones to drown them out.
- I don't think I'd mind answering them unless the questions were inappropriate.
- I would answer him/her
- I would answer their questions and ask them back to that person.
- I would answer them and ask them the same questions.
- Response with vague answers or lie
- Slightly uncomfortable, might not talk to them
- Tell them depending on how normal they are
- Vague answers only
- 不会全部回答
- 不会回答
- 不愿意透露太多
- 他为什么要问我,他可能是个热心的人,告诉他这是私人问题不方便回答
- 和他打马虎
- 和他说不好意思,我要急着回朋友消息,并拒绝回他任何有关我私人生活问题。
- 她要干什么?
- 委婉地回答,并且加以戒备
- 我会委婉的拒绝。
- 我会委婉表达自己不想说话
- 我会对他微笑然后和他交谈回答一些不涉及私人隐私的问题。
- 我会巧妙地避开。
- 我会很在意自己的私人问题,但兴趣,爱好等等这些我会很欣然接受。
- 我会感到不自在
- 谨慎回答
- 这个人很有亲和力,但是防人之心不可无,不能把自己的情况全部说出来,适当的聊天是可以的。
- 这人图谋不轨, 一定有问题,还是和他少说话,避免透露什么不该透露的信息,惹祸上身。
- 选择性地回答他
- 选择性的回答他
- 随便说些不关紧要的,并表现出不耐烦
Seeing all the reactions on this site, I realize that Americans and Chinese are actually pretty similar in how they think about the world. But the one thing I notice that always varies between cultures is general friendliness. Americans are probably in the top 10 percentile in terms of friendliness towards strangers. The Chinese seem to be more cautious in disclosing information about themselves to people they’ve just met.
Reading these responses was very interesting; I was surprised to see so many Chinese students that would be genuinely concerned if a stranger on a bus started talking to them. I can concur from this that it is much more common in the US to speak with a stranger than it is in China. Overall, however, the variety of answers were very similar. There were some students on both sides that would be happy to speak with the stranger, some on both sides would answer but very sparingly, and some would not be interested in all in having a conversation with this person. To the students that would have no interest in speaking with the stranger, why not?