The Cultura Questionnaires

Answering the intercultural questionnaires constitutes the real first step of Cultura for your students.

Working closely with your partner, you need to

  • select words, sentences, and situations to use for the question prompts. You can check Past Exchanges for ideas.
  • agree on a calendar.
  • set up the online questionnaires. Typically, only one of you needs to administer the site.
  • communicate to the students the url where they can register for the exchange and answer the questionnaires.


Remind the students that they should

  • answer all three questionnaires in one sitting. This should take approximately 30 minutes.
  • be as spontaneous as possible.
  • write the first two or three things that come to their minds for each prompt.
  • write in L1, or more precisely, in the language of the country in which they are studying.

Give the students sufficient advance notice to complete the questionnaires, but specify a deadline by which they will no longer have access to the questionnaires.

Publish the answers to the questionnaires

It is better not to publish the answers to all three questionnaires at the same time, but to release them one after the other, according to the calendar agreed upon with your partner. As you publish each one, the corresponding discussion forums become available.

Typically, plan to spend one week on each questionnaire: week 1, Word Association; week 2, Sentence Completion; week 3, Reactions to Situations.