A "good" teacher is a teacher...

Un "bon" prof est un prof...

that loves his/her job

caring, knows the stuff

who takes time to teach each individual correctly.

who creates a good learning environment

who understand their students needs & problems.

who teaches his students to dream

who teaches, engages, stimulates and interests

that is clear and helpful

who can positively influence students for life.

who is passionate about the subject they teach.

who makes simple examples of difficult concepts.

is someone who makes class fun

who cares if her students are learning.

who knows how to teach.

who helps you see things you wouldn't otherwise

who teaches well

relates to children well.

someone who makes you ask questions

who makes you enjoy learning

who makes you feel smart.


sympatique et competent

pedagogue et interesse par ce qu'il enseigne

qui vous fait aimer la matiere qu'il enseigne

qui arrive a nous faire comprendre les choses

qui aime enseigner aux eleves

qui sait faire passer un message

qui enseigne sans diriger et est a notre service

competent,qui sait communiquer

qui donne envie d'etudier

est quelqu'un de pedagogue et charismatique

bon pedagogue, pas forcement brillant

qui donne envie d'etudier

qui enseigne bien

essayant d'echanger quelquechose avec ses eleves.

qui sait interesser les eleves a sa matiere


----One difference I've seen between the American and French responses (to many of the survey questions, but this one in particular) was that person-to-person relations seem more apparent in the American responses. For example, when asked to describe a "good teacher," Americans described how that is someone you "makes you feel smart," is "caring," who "relates to children well." On the other hand, most of the French responses focused on the professional qualities of the teacher. A similar contrast shows up in the other questions about people in professional positions. ----One point that was brought up in a class discussion was that one simply cannot translate English sentences like "I know how you feel" or similar emotional/relational statements. Is this right? How do you express this kind of statement in French? -----robin ----