You enter your friend's house and his/her
brother or sister does not say hello to you.

Vous arrivez chez votre ami(e) et son frère/sa
soeur ne vous dit pas bonjour.

I would say 'what's wrong?'

I would say hello to him or her anyway.

I introduce myself.

What a lack of education!

I would say hello to him/her and see if he/she responded.

That was not nice of him/her.

This is awkward.

I'd say hello to him/her, and not worry about it.

I say hello to them.

It really would not bother me.

i say hello to the sibling.

I ask if he/she is feeling well.

i would say hello to the sibling first.

I say hi and if they don't respond I get annoyed

She is having a bad day.

I might be slightly hurt but if I don't know him/her well,
that's ok.

oh well.

Smile, say hello anyway. Tell them my name, ask theirs, offer

I'd think that the sibling was very rude.

I will ask my friend why his/her sibling is not talking to

If it happens only occasionally, I just shrug it off.

I wouldn't care.

I am annoyed and offended.

It doesn't bother me if I know that I am not the source of
their annoyance

I would walk up to her brother and say hello to him specifically

Is he/she in a bad mood? What's the problem?

big deal


dommage. Ton/Ta frère/soeur est malade?

je lui demande si je pue

Je lui redis bonjour

je fais comme si de rien n'était.

Je ferais des gestes à son frère.

J'insiste en lui disant bonjour ironiquement

je le fais remarquer à mon ami

Je poserais qu'est-ce que se passé.

Je ne lui dirais pas bonjour.

il est malpoli

il est en colère

je dis bonjour avec un grand sourire

mauvaise ambiance

Je lui demande si elle est aveugle ou muette.

J'insiste une seconde fois

je lui demande ce qui ne va pas

Je lui dis bonjour bien fort pour etre sûre qu'il/elle

le mépris n'a jamais rien apporté de constructif

Je lui dis bonjour

Il y a un probleme ?

je le retiens pour la prochaine fois

Je suis vexé

je demande à mon ami si son frère/soeur s'est
levé du pied gauche


----It seems to me that the Americans are more cautious with strangers than the French are. Is it common in France to meet new people in the streets or in a store?

----In some parts of the United States it is very common to say hello to strangers. In large cities, this is not as common, but people are still pretty friendly and smile. Living in Boston, I often meet people waiting for the bus, on the subway, or in stores.

----In my hometown (~150,000 people), near Dallas, Texas, there are very few homeless people, not much crime, and quite a lot of community activity. To put the size of the city in perspective, you are never more than five minutes from an elementary school (by walking). People talk to one another all the time, in supermarkets, post offices, on the street, etc. ----But that would be very unlikely in a large city. On the West Coast, for example, it took four years for tourism in southern California to recover after the Los Angeles "race riots". ----In Paris, I found people universally unassuming in their appearance and action. America is more into extremes, it seems.

----En France, et surtout dans le sud, a Toulouse par exemple, il n'est pas rare qu'un etranger s'adresse a vous ou vous salue. Il n'y a pas de mal a ca. Il est tres agreable de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes (surtout du sexe oppose). En revanche, en Amerique, vous semblez terrorise a l'idee d'une telle rencontre. Est-ce du au sentiment d'insecurite qui regne dans vos villes ?

----Well , Americans are scared of strangers more than French are , because there is much more crime and guns on the street here than overthere in France . Some interesting reactions led me to this topic: Being myself Bosnian on studies here at M.I.T., I was astonished (and pretty dissapointed )by big number of gays and lesbians in America . Many people here think that' pretty much normal . I would like to know how do you look at those people and do they have the same rights as everybody else in french society ? By the way , why are you not answering on our questions . Should I say : French are lazy , or just , you are having more fun somewhere else? (I would like to do that too.) ----

----What makes you think Americans are so insecure about talking to strangers? Even in a large city, such as Boston, most people are polite and willing to talk to others, even if they are strangers.

----The responses to the word associations for a neighbour (Questionnaire 1) from the French students seems to indicate that they would want them all dead. I therefore find the responses from the French students about talking to strangers to be disingenuous. Is there then absolutely no cause to be wary of strangers in France?

----Nicholas, I didn't want to shock you when I ask my question. I just wanted to answer to Deepa Patel who was telling that it was not very common in America to meet strangers in the street or in a shop. Besides, when you read the American reactions in this situation, it seems that there is a feeling of insecurity. You seem to be afraid of persons you don't know.

----Quand nous etions plus petits, il y avait une pub en France qui commencait par: "Un inconnu vous offre des fleurs...". Il faut reconnaitre qu'en France, et surtout dans le Sud, on peut croiser une personne qui vous dit bonjour. Dans ce cas, on ne s'accroche pas a son sac a main mais on repond et on a meme le droit de sourire. C'est quand meme bien de ne pas toujours avoir peur... Lors de randonnee, il est tres courant de saluer les randonneurs que l'on croise. Meme sans les connaitre. Le simple fait de se promener dans la nature en fleurs donne ce droit dont on abuse a souhait tant la convivialite manque de nos jours...