Your parents criticize you in front of your friends.

Vos parents vous critiquent devant vos amis.

After my friend
leaves, I would be furious at my parents and tell them how terribly
rude I found their actions

allow my parents to meet my friends in the first place.

accompanied with laughter... they're my parents, it's probably
true and funny!

I argue
frankly with my parents.

critisize them back, and remind them they brought me up.

I do

exaggerate the comment, and try to add a funny example

I might
feel alittle hurt and dissed by my own parents but I would
probably just shake it off.

i stay
calm but explian them that we could have this conversation a
little bit later

I wait
to talk to them in private about it.

I will
be a bit embarassed.

I would
be embarressed, but would speak with my parents later about it

I would
feel embarassed and try to exit the conversation immediately.

I would
feel embarassed.

I would
feel embarassed.

I would
get angry but wouldn't say anything until my friends left.

I would
keep quiet, and later that day ask my parents to not criticize me
when people are around.

I would
tell my parents afterwards that what they did wasn't right and
that it upset me.

wouldn't really mind.

I'd ask
my parents not to criticize me in front of my friends.

I'd ask
them to stop humiliating me, and then I'd probably find a way to
criticize them. But I don't think they'd do that anyway.

talk to them later after my friends had left why they did that.
But I'd also be really really hurt.

If I am
wrong, I admit it.

It has
happened so many times! I think it is good to know and accept one
own limits and defects.

parents would never do that. (If they did, then I would criticize
them in front of their friends.)

and smile... oh well, nobody's perfect!

That is

would never do that.

be embarassed.

you do nothing

Ce n'est pas possible.

Ce n'est pas sympa, mais
que faire : le "mal" est fait

cela me met mal à

ils le font jamais. Mais
je pense que ça me plairait pas.

j'accepte la critique si
cela est justifie sinon je me révolte

j'approuve ou je conteste
selon qu'ils ont raison ou tort

J'en rajoute pour dédramatiser
la situation

Je dis que je ne suis pas

je fais pareil

je laisse faire pour ne pas
plus envenimer la situation mais plus tard je remettrai les choses
au clair

je leur dis de se taire et
m en vais

je leur répond

je m'énerve,je quitte
la pièce

je me dispute avec eux et
leur dis que ça ne concerne pas mes amis

je me défends .

je me défends devant
mes amis

je me sens mal à l'aise
et je rougi

Je ne dis rien sur le moment.
Je leur fais des reproches plus tard.

Je nie en bloc

je prends ça a la

Je serais très fâché,
mais je ne dis rien

je suis assez gêné

je suis gêné
et je leur en reparlerais peut-être plus tard

Mes amis me connaissent sans
doute déjà...

ça arrive à
tout le monde,on attends que ça passe

ça ne se fait pas, je suis vexée


- 06:51pm Oct
24, 2001



of 5)

Hmm... I expect the great similarites between the French and American responses have prevented anyone from making any commments on this bulletin board. Its interesting that despite our many cultural differences, particularly those to do with our parent-child relationships, it seems that we agree wholeheartedly on this point. I think this is not so much a cultural question as it is an individualized question. Notice the wide variety of responses on the American and French sid, there was a whole range of reactions from criticizing parents and leaving the room, to taking the whole situation as a joke! I think when it gets right down to it.. embarassement of this form seems to cross over cultural boundaries. Handling it is simply a matter of personal choice.

- 11:28pm Oct
24, 2001



of 5)

I wonder if the similarity of the American and French responses is because the situation is your parents criticizing you in *front of your friends*. Would the French and American responses be different if we were asked "how much do your parents criticize you." What I'm getting at, is that I think there might be more differences in how often or in what way American and French parents critize their children, but that criticizing their children in front of friends is an extreme situation in both cultures.

- 07:26pm Oct
28, 2001



of 5)

It seems this is a personal matter. I wonder why most people react so voilently about some criticism though. Even though French and American responses seemed approximately similar, American reactions seemed to be stronger in my opinion than that of the French. What do other people think?

- 04:01am Nov
5, 2001



of 5)

Je pense également que les réactions américaines et françaises sont pratiquement simillaires.En effet ,cette situation est perçue comme embarrassante et humiliante.La seule petite difference entre les français et les américains se situerait dans l attitude adoptée:les français sembleraient plus contenir leur colére et donc plus calme, tandis que les americains sembleraient etre beaucoup plus démonstratifs.