Someone lights up

Quelqu'un allume
une cigarette

ask the waiter to show that person smoking
Ask the waiter to stop the smoking.
ask them to light up someplace else
depending on my mood I might ask him to stop
I feel annoyed, but do not say a thing.
I indicate the person the non-smoking sign
and I kindly ask him to stop.
I leave or tell him to kindly put the cigarette
I might ask him to move tables, if my friends
mind the smoke.
I tell him to put that fucking thing out,
I tell him/her that it is the non-smoking
I think that person is not considerate
I would ask the host to tell the person to
put out the cigarette.
I would ask them to stop.
I would be very upset and ask him to move
I would complain to the waiter.
i would tell him to go to a smoking section
I'd ask them to put it out. If they didn't,
I'd get the management.
tell them to stop
Wouldn't care

ne me dérange pas
ça ne me dérange pas.
ça ne me gêne pas
cela ne me dérange aucunement
Je change de place ou je fais plein de mimiques
je demande à cette personne d'éteindre
sa cigarette ou de changer de place
Je fais une remarque à voie haute
Je l'ignore et le laisse faire.
Je lui demande d'éteindre sa cigarette.
Je lui demande de l'éteindre
Je lui demande de l'éteindre
je lui demande de l'éteindre, lui
expliquant gentiment que cela me dérange
Je lui demande de l'iteindre
je lui demande gentillement de l'éteindre
Je lui demande le plus gentiment possible
de l'éteindre
je lui demande poliment de l'éteindre
Je lui dis que c'est une section non-fumeur.
Je lui explique que la cigarette m'insupporte
Je lui fais remarquer gentiment.
Je lui fais remarquer poliment qu'il est
dans la mauvaise section
je lui fais remarquer poliment qu'on est
dans la section non fumeur
Je lui fait remarquer le panneau, en expliquant
que la fumée me gêne.
je lui fait remarquer que c'est non fumeur
je lui prie instamment de l'éteindre
Je pourrais lui demander d'éteindre
sa cigarette.
la fumée ne me dérange pas

si ca dérange les autres,j'essaie
de lui dire qu'il s'est trompé de chaise
Si cela gêne d'autres personnes, je
lui dis de fumer plus tard


Plutôt que d'insister sur les similitudes de réactions, je voudrais juste souligner quelques différences. La plus importante, à mon avis, est que certains américains préfèreront demander à un serveur d'intervenir, alors que tous les français (du groupe) envisagent de s'adresser directement à "l'indélicat". Ensuite, les américains ne sont pas tous partisans d'une intervention, certains préfèrant garder leur gène pour eux. Enfin, les français insistent sur la politesse, ce qui est beaucoup plus rare du côté américain (la politesse va-t-elle de soi, ou est-ce plus significatif?).

Il est de notoriété publique que le fait de fumer est mal vu aux Etats-Unis (moins qu'en Angleterre, mais quand même). Quel dommage que le lobby du tabac soit moins puissant que celui des armes (I mean, a bunch of psychotic students slay their entire class (trenchcoat gang), and what is incriminated? Roleplay, video games, etc... But the fact that these guys were able to get automatic firearms does not seem to shock anybody). Ce n'est pas une mauvaise chose, cela dit. Pourtant les statistiques montrent que vous fumez autant que nous. Alors comment se fait-il que ce soit beaucoup moins toléré que chez nous? (From Aurélia and David)

Globalement, les réactions face à la cigarette sont similaires aussi bien du côté français que américain. En très grande majorité le besoin de faire comprendre à l'autre qu'il est en tort ou que cela gène est présent. Cependant un nombre significatif de français ne sont pas génés par la cigarette et, vraisemblablement, ne réagiraient pas (ce sont peut-être des fumeurs). Les réactions sont variées dans la forme. De la politesse à un ton plus direct. Un américain s'exprime cependant de manière très ... directe en s'énervant contre le fumeur (f*****g, as***le). Du côté américain, on fait aussi intervenir une personne extérieure (un serveur) pour faire remarquer au fumeur qu'il devrait s'arréter de fumer. Cela semble être une manière plus "officielle" de procéder. Il est vrai que la réglementation en vigueur aux Etats-Unis est très stricte concernant la cigarette (interdiction aux mineurs d'acheter des cigarettes ...). Cela semble donc influer sur le comportement des américains.

Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec vos analyses, les amis. Je voudrais ajouter qu'en France, une loi est passée sur les compartiments non-fumeurs dans les tous les lieux publics, mais qu'elle est en fait encore très peu respectée dans un grand nombre d'établissements car les gens en général se fichent des autres ; ils allument leur cigarette et la fume ; ils arrèteront que si quelqu'un leur demande... Aux US, cela doit être beaucoup plus rare car les gens doivent avoir peur des amendes (regardez un francais fumeur dans un vol British Airways).

Je suis d'accord avec toi Charles,du coup ca me donne une question est-ce qu'aux Etats-Unis les gens manquent autant de civisme qu'en France ?

Charles, I don't think our attitude toward smoking has anything to do with laws or fines. More people here seem to be bothered by smoke. They have not had to deal with its presense their entire lives, so they are strongly bothered by it. Americans have the policy that everyone can have there rights as long as your rights don't infringe on the rights of others. In America, the non-smoking section is designated for a reason. One should not have to ask another not to smoke in that section of the restaurant. That's why it's designated. It is rude and inconsiderate to sit in the non-smoking section and perform an act that, at least in the US, is likely to cause discomfort to others. Are there many people in France that are bothered by smoking?

I want to comment on the use of a waiter as an intermediary. Americains don't like to be told what to do. If somebody lights a cigarette in an Americain restaurant's non-smoking section, it is a first sign that they are probably an unreasonable prick. Someone that is bothered doesn't want to have to deal with the conflict, so they ask management. Also, the violator of the rule will in general be more receptive to the requests of the restaurant employee or manager. Is this method ever used in France?

David, I think that you are wrong when you say that no one is upset by the fact that young children are able to get guns. It is an injustice that few substantial changes have been made. However I do not think that it is reasonable to say that we should be more tolerant of smoking when smoking kills people as well. Though it may not be as drastic or instantaneous, smoking can still pose a serious health risk. If I choose not to smoke because I think it is bad for my health, why should I have to breathe someone else's smoke?

As Matthew said, Americans are more likely to tell the smoker indirectly to stop because this is generally the more successful approach. Would people in France stop smoking if asked by a stranger or would they create a scene? Does asking them directly have results? Smoking seems to be much more acceptable in public places in France (similar to the US a few decades ago). How young can people start smoking legally?

Hey everyone.. I want to address a point that André-Claude brought up- Politeness. With regards to just the issue of people smoking, I think the Americans have a different form of politeness than the French. Here, it is polite to simply not smoke. But it seems that in France, it is ok to smoke, but if a person doesn't like it, it is necessary to politely as him/her to stop. And I also have a hypothesis for why Americans ask other forms of authority to stop the smoking. Perhaps it is because those who do smoke when and at places where they shouldn't smoke are less likely to care about what anyone tells them. They know the rules but choose to disobey them anyway. To keep from creating a scene, it is wiser to ask someone with authority to stop the smoking. What do y'all think about this?

I agree with Matt that most people are bothered by smoke. And as Miranda said, smoking is just another form of killing people. I was not exposed to smoke at all while growing up, and the fume just makes me really sick, makes me cough, and gives me a headache. Clearly, there is no reason why I would not be bothered if someone lighted up. If it is out in the open, I would try and get as far away as possible from that person. If it is in the non-smoking area, I would take whatever measure (either by talking to them directly, or using a third-party) to stop that person from smoking.
But most importantly, freedom or not, smoking is not only harmful to the smoker himself, but it is sometimes even worse for the person breathing it in (second-hand smoking). Get the facts for yourselves at
It's just as if someone is going around diffusing virus. That person might say: "it is my freedom to diffuse whatever I want to." But there is no way I am going to put up with that kind of behavior. Smoking is not too far away from this hypothetical situation.

I noticed that you seem to be less bothered by someone smoking. Is it because most of you smoke or have grown up with people who smoke? I cannot stand it when people smoke in front of me. I find it very rude, yet I also find it difficult to tell that person to put out the cigarette because he/she probably won't listen and would probably get very annoyed that he/she would just keep smoking in my presence to irritate me.

I would like to address the problem posted by Charles and Matthew. I agree with Matthew. I do not consider that fear of laws or fines prevents one from smoking in public places. I guess it has more to do with a "do whatever but don't disturb others" (cite from freedom) attitude. The awareness that smoking is not good for one's health has raised the desire not to be exposed to smoke to the level of a public right. The attitude toward someone smoking in the wrong place is obviously different. While French prefer direct interaction, American prefer to deal with the problem more "officially". Smoking is a right that everyone has. At a personal level, asking someone directly not to smoke could be implied as not giving the person the right to smoke. However, the situation is not perceived in this way if you are told not to smoke by an official person (be it the waiter) because you are in the wrong place. The difference in the reactions may be attributed to a difference in the attitude toward smoking. I consider that here it is publicly believed that smoking is harmful. Do French have this awareness?

Caludiu, it's not only generally believed so, but it also turns out to be quite true, at least sometimes...

Hi, The United States went through a phase where at some point smoking was considered a symbol of stature, coolness, and a certain attitude about life. Then, it stopped being looked well upon and became one of the things that people are trying to get rid of.. Did France go through a similar progression at all?

Salut tout le monde !
Enfin des gens du même avis que moi sur la cigarette !! Je ne supporte pas la fumée et les fumeurs ! Comme le dit Jee, ils se permettent de nuire à notre santé : c'est comme si je me promenais -avec un masque- en répandant de la poussière d'amiante à la tête de tout le monde. Je n'ai rien contre le fait qu'ils fument, mais qu'ils le fassent en plein air ou dans une salle (sans aération bien sûr, ils comprendront ce que c'est que d'être enfumé) réservée aux fumeurs ! Je n'aime pas non plus les gens qui fument devant moi mais que faire face à des personnes qui trouvent ça normal ? (ça risque d'aboutir à une querelle). La pluplart du temps, il sera peine perdue de demander à quelqu'un d'éteindre sa cigarette (surtout si c'est un jeune !). Et pour répondre à Tazeen, les jeunes commencent à fumer très tôt (dès le collège). Le gouvernement prévoit d'interdire la vente de cigarettes aux moins de 16 ans et d'augmenter leur prix. Mais ça n'empêchera rien ; ce qu'il faut faire, c'est changer la mentalité des gens ! Et malheureusement, il est difficile de faire changer d'avis qqn qui croit être dans son droit !
Sur ce, je rentre chez moi respirer le bon air de la campagne (sans fumées de cigarettes ni d'échappements). Bonnes vacances à tous.

I didn't say that I consider smoking something wrong, not at all.

Here in America, smokers have recently become fond of suing tobacco companies for tons of money, claiming that the tobacco companies fooled them into thinking smoking was okay for them and wasn't addictive. You may laugh, but this is true. You can sue anyone for anything in this country. I'd say more, but I think it's better said by American humor columnist Dave Barry in this column. If your english is good read it, it's muy funny.

Bonjour !
Je tiens a dire que des fois en France il y a des gens qui ne respectent pas les interdictions de fumer : Alex il fume son Kyste en public,meme dans les lieux non-fumeur ! et puis Laurent et Etienne quand je leur demande d'éteindre leurs cigarettes ils me disent que ce n'est pas des cigarettes qu'ils fument :qu est-ce que c'est alors?

Je suis entièrement d'accord avec Kosal:le vrai problème concernant le tabac en France ne pourra être résolu qu'avec un changement de mentalité.Malheureusement, la mentalité ne se change pas en un jour, il faut un travail de communication énorme, des gens montrant l'exemple et une réelle conscience du danger(l'instinct de survie est bien plus efficace que toutes les interdictions ou amendes). En attendant, espérons que les fumeurs comprendrons le respect des autres rapidement.
