

ambition, respect, satisfaction
career, happiness, exaggerated
freedom, power, money
fulfilling, happiness, soul
goal, money
hapinness, achievement
happiness, family
happiness, school
Money, Discovery, love
money, fame, satisfaction
money, power
money, power, recognition
power, money
pride, hard-work
projects responsibility
victory, pride,
wealth prestige life

Argent, Puissance, Famille
bonheur, bonne situation
carrière,bonheur, famille
écoles d'ingénieurs, bonheur,
familiale, sociale, professionnelle
fierté, argent
grande école prestigieuse, argent,
Liberté, passion, ambition
personnel, sacrifices, orgueil
personnelle, épanouissement
pouvoir, carrière, famille
pouvoir, joie, sensation
Réalisation, Honneur, Récompense
revanche, bataille, mériter
sociale, famille, argent
sociale, succès, échec
Succès, argent, victoire
succès, défis
Travail, récompense, cliché


J'ai l'impression de retrouver ici un a priori commun: si tout le monde s'accorde sur l'importance de "l'argent" et du "bonheur", les américains s'atteachent ensuite à "power", là où les français placent d'abord "famille". L'importance de la vie de famille va-t-elle de soit pour les américains, ou serait-elle plutôt eincompatible avec le "success"? Une autre remarque, les français font une distinction entre les domaines "privé" et "social", que les américains ne pratiquent pas. Là encore, y a-t-il pour les américains un lien systématique entre "success" et l'entreprise ou le domaine social, ou public?

The word success is tied to the word professional. Family is a private notion that many Americans cherish and do not want to connect it to their professional lives. If you watch American movies (especially with feministic points), they sometimes show really strong, pushy women-professionals, that are nice home-keeping mothers at home - the work success would refer to their professionals lives, although they have achieved great heights both in carreer and family. Do you think that recognition is part of success? not power, but acknowledgement of others? Is competition very prominent in French schools?

The French seem to regard success as a source of very powerful feelings as happiness. It is an internal reflection of the effects of power. On the other hand, Americans seemed to realize the effect of success externally, through its effect on there position in a social context, their stature as well as their way or interacting with people. Is this really true from a french point of view that success is individually defined and not by the society?

I think that the family aspect of success is vital for both French and Americans; the reason that the Americans have not mentioned 'family' is probably because here people tend to separate their private life from their work or social sphere.

Among the responses from the French students, the following words appear: cliche, defis, echec. To me, all of them have a pretty negative connotations. Does anybody have an idea why are the French so sceptical when it comes to definition of success?

Hi, I noticed of course that the French associate success with society. Does this in any manner relate to power and political success? In the list of words for Power, the French predominantly associated it with politics. Is it the same for success?

I think there is a definite correlation between success and company, social, and public domain. When people get a job at a company, their goal is to "succeed." That may mean that they are looking for many promotions, which will help them become more prominent (not to mention richer). The more prominent they are, the more social power and connection they will have, which is considered by many to be socially successful. I think that a successful businessperson is often regarded as a powerful public figure in the States.

Apparently the French associate success with family and society, whereas for Americans success is somehow limited to work and career. Do you think that this is due to the more individualist American way of life?

Il apparaît que les réponses des étudiants américains et français sont très similaires. Pour beaucoup de personnes ,la réussite es tassociée à la joie ,au bonheur.Cette réussite est vécue pour quelques-uns comme une satisfaction qui se mérite,un accomplissement résultant d'un travail ,nécessitant même éventuellement des sacrifices.La réussite apparaît ainsi comme une récompense ,une victoire. Enfin,4 personnes pensent que la réussite peut amener liberté et épanouissement dans leur vie, pour les étudiants français. Mais le plus interressant est le fait que pour les deux pays ,une grande partie des étudiants associent la réussite àla réussite sociale en mentionnant les termes d'argent ,de pouvoir également une bonne partie (environ la moitié) pensent que la réussite de leur vie familiale, en amour est importante.