National news - l'actualité nationale


found it interesting to note that on the front page of articles for
national news in the New York Times, there was a
science/technology-related article ("Seeking ancestry in DNA ties
uncovered by tests"), whereas there were no science/technology-related
articles in the national news in Le Monde.

personnellement celà ne me choque pas trop, en fait la science ne fait
pas vendre en France: il va peut-être te sembler que je me plains un
peu mais il est vrai que des parties littérature, histoire, ou débat
d'idée... vont intéresser plus de personnes. Cependant tu peux noter
que dans le figaro, il y a (enfin il y avait, je ne suis plus sur
maintenant) une page ou deux d'actualité scientifique tous les jours
masi celà est relégué dans les dernières pages.

Après outre le fait que vous soyez pour la plupart des
scientifiques, est ce que vous pensez qu'une personne dans la rue va
acheter un journal en voyant une grande nouvelle scientifique à la une
(autre que les titres racolleurs sur les extra-terrestres)?

found that Le Monde places a lot of focus on news related to ministers
whereas the New York Times places a lot of emphasis on congressional
affairs. Additionally, I felt like the news in the New York Times was
more diversified (political, economic, health, society etc) than Le
monde which had a lot more political news.

agree with what has been said- NYT is definitely more diverse and also
talks a lot about Congress. Also, I was surprised that the news about
the CPE was so far down on Le Monde's French news (right now it is #6
in order). This is surprising in the US, that has pretty much been the
only thing we have heard about France recently.

I found that some articles in Le Monde talked about the opinion of
important figures (politicians, experts, etc), but there was no article
like this in the New York Times. I think Le Monde focuses more on the
people, while the New York Times focuses more on the events.

seems that not just the actual news but even the categories of topics
in the New York Times and Le Monde are distinct. The recurrent themes
in the New York Times articles seem to be the war in Iraq/terrorism
(which have "magically," thanks to George Bush, become the same topic
when they should not be...), science, and commerce. Le Monde seems to
instead focus on other political events, such as elections, legislation
bills (not just the CPE), and political party activity and be more

it was really interesting reading the titles of the US/France sections
in each newspaper and seeing what each paper emphasised. I found that
Le Monde had a lot more articles about political figures and political
events than the NYT did. I felt like the NYT had a much wider range of
topics. I also found it interesting that the titles in Le Monde almost
always had the actual name of the person/ political figure while the
titles in the NYT more described the person rather than actually giving
their name. I also found it very intersting that news about the CPE
basically disapeared from the headlines. It semmed that within two days
almost all mention of the CPE had stopped. There was only one little
line about it.