A good boss
Un bon patron
appreciates your work, but is strict about its quality.
attempts the motivate and understand their employees
cares about his employees.
challenges and respects you.
develops relationship with his subordinates.
gives you lots of paid vacation time, and gives you constructive criticism
has sympathy but can be firm
is a leader and is able to communicate effectively.
is one who exemplifies the concept of teamwork.
is someone who allows you to take responsibilty for your work and allows you to gain exposure
is someone who challenges you but also recognizes your contributions
is supportive and fair.
is sympathetic to his employees, but can also take strict action when needed. He is a fair decision maker.
motivates his employees to be efficient and effective
motivates you to perform your best.
takes care of his employees.
treats you well and is easy to get along with.
understands his employees and treats them fairly.
values his employees and provides direction without being overly controlling.
will not make you feel controlled but instead relieved when you do you work correctly.
aime ses employés
écoute ses subordonnés.
écoute, dirige
dont l'entreprise avance
efficace, charismatique, attentionné
est à l'écoute de ses employés, doit rester simple
est juste, sait motiver son équipe, sait résoudre les problèmes
est quelqu'un qui obtient ce qu'il veut sans avoir à crier
est quelqu'un qui peut conduire le groupe à gagner la réussite.
est sympathique, est compétent, est attentif
est un patron correct
fait faire des profits à l'entreprise et réussit à faire prendre goût à ses employés à leur travail
ne berne pas ses employés
ne reproche pas trop souvent les employés, remunère bien ses employés
pense à ses employés
qui communique avec ses employés
respecte et est en bon termes avec ses employés, fait gagner de l'argent à son entreprise
sait motiver et déléguer
topic relates closely to the "good job" topic. certainly, A good boss
must perform well and help the company, as well as encourage and build
ties with the employees. I think a slight disparity exists between the
way the Americans and French value these qualities. The MIT responses
placed a greater emphasis on the productive and successful qualities of
an employer, while the Polytechnique placed much value on the role of
relationships and the partnership that a boss shares with the
employees. Seriously, every boss has his faults, but as for me, I would
much rather have an unsuccessful boss who cares than an efficient boss
who is very angry.
agree with Brandon. One response I noticed in the responses from MIT is
vacation time. The idea of vacation probably does not even come to mind
because in France, from what I know, working people also have a lot of
vacation time. Hence, because bosses don't really make decisions about
vacation time, the association does not appear in the responses. Am I
Tu as tout à fait raison, Josephine. En terme de vacances, les
français sont assez gâtés, et ce grâce au système de 35 heures. Là
aussi, les français travaillemnt moins que les autres en terme de
durée, il n'empêche que la productivité est parmi les meilleures. Mais
le patron maintient une légère marge d'autorités au niveau de la
répartition des vacances.
Ceci dit, on voit bien qu'il y a eu une quasi-symétrie entre
les deux conceptions. Il y a un seul point de différence (autre que
celui des vacances), c'est le fait que, pour nous, un bon patron c'est
aussi un bon communicateur. Est-ce que c'est tellement évident chez
vous que cela ne ressort pas dans vos réponses?
It has been very interesting to see the differences between the responses here at MIT and X.
One word in particular that struck me was the word challenging.
I think that Americans love a challenge and use it in our vocabulary
quite often. We want a boss, a teacher, parents and others to challenge
us to succeed, surpass the limit, and go beyond what is necessary. This
could me at times facing tasks and projects that are unpleasant but get
us to the next level. It might entail working over 90 hours a week or
physically training until we puke. I am not saying all of us are that
hardcore, but it's a concept that I think embodies the American notion
of success.
Salut JinSuk
Je pense que tu touche du doit un des points important. Râler,
faire des grèves est une habitude en France, mais ça ne veut pas dire
que les personnes sont malheureuses, elles sont juste mecontentes. Dans
cette perspective et par des raisonnes historiques la compétition n’est
pas toujours encourager, l’égalité étant plus Ť politically correct ť.
Il est donc rare d’entendre un français dire qu’il cherche un emploi
demandant. En France la passion pour son boulot se manifeste, dans mon
opinion, par la qualité du travail et même quand on se plaigne.
Interesting response!
I was wondering what the French these days thinks about the rest
of world especially China and India catching up and surpassing us
economically in the near future. These days there is much talk about in
the newspapers about the future in India and China might become the
next superpowers. Do you think that makes French companies want to work
harder and compete? and does it flow down to the employees themselves?
Here we are direly afraid of outsourcing. (I actually think it's great
though because I study economics, but the people who are losing their
jobs aren't)
What's the situation like in France?
haha...the India and China issue...
I personally seem to go with the viewpoint that we will not have
"superpowers" as we have defined them in the past. Rather, we will have
the globe section itself as it is already beginning to do, with each of
these separate entities becoming blocks of political and economic
influence. As far as I understand, however, French reception to the
European Union is not as friendly as desired by other nations (please
correct me if I'm wrong...the last time I read news on the EU
constitution was during the summer). Does France see itself as being
able to stand on its own? or do you see an inevitable need to take a
highly active role within the EU to maintain a strong and influential
French presence?