A good policeman/policewoman is someone who ...

Un bon policier est quelqu un qui ...

carries out their duty with professionalism and honesty, protect people

does not discriminate, keeps community safe

does not set up speed traps, is reasonable, does not give lots of tickets

does their job, protects people

effectively enforces law without being overbearing, doesn't take advantage of their power

enforces the law well and in a just manner

enforces the law, protects the people, serves rather than antagonizes

enforces the laws

is daring and strict, arrests murderers

is fair, is helpful, seeks justice,

is fair, unbiased, treats people with respect, and doesn't abuse their power.

is firm but merciful, protects the innocent

is not a jerk, is not racist, does their job

is not corrupt

is not corrupt

is prepared, listens, remains calm

is understanding but firm

makes good judgement calls with regard to the law. he/she must always keep the best interest of the law in mind at all times.

protects the citizens and punishes criminals.

Protects the general public.

protects the people without going on power trips, eminates calm

protects the safety of citizens through careful work and not fear.

protects the safety of the citizens

respects and protects citizens, establishes order

respects every citizen's right to freedom and safety

stays alert, is respectful, stays neutral

reflechit avant d'agir

a le sens du devoir

arrête les méchants

connait ses responsabilités

est au service des gens, n'abuse pas de ses pouvoirs a des fins personelles

est juste, sait réfléchir

fait respecter l'ordre sans jamais abuser de ses pouvoirs

fait son boulot

fait son travail


n'abuse pas de ses droits, ne fait pas de discrimination

n'est pas alcoolique

n'est pas zélé

n'obeit pas aux ordres sans réfléchir

n'use pas de son statut

ne boit pas et ne controle pas les citoyens en utilisant des prétextes fallacieux

ne fait pas de bavures

ne juge pas les gens quels qu'ils soient.

ne m'arrête pas

ne s'en prend pas injustement a autrui

nous aide quand on en a besoin

qui applique la loi tout en s'achant s'adapter aux situations.

réfléchit avant d'agir


s'occupe des bonnes personnes

veille à la sécurité de tous


I thought that the responses in this category were, on the whole, similar between the two countries. However, I noticed that on the French side, a couple of people said that a good officer does not drink or drink too much. I agree, but it never occurred to me to say. Is there a problem with drinking on the job in France? Is it a stereotype that police officers are alchoholics? Was there a specific incident that prompted this idea?

L'alcool est une réalité dans de nombreux cas, cependant ça reste un cliché, tous les policiers ne sont pas alcoliques (enfin je l'espere!!)

The French and American responses for this category had many similarities, such as wanting police to not be corrupt and to aide all in need with honesty. However, many of the American responses were specific things that they didnt want police to do to them. Do you think this has to with the fact that American police are more powerful? Do people in France generally have less personal contact with police?

The French and American responses for this category had many similarities, such as wanting police to not be corrupt and to aide all in need with honesty. However, many of the American responses were specific things that they didnt want police to do to them. Do you think this has to with the fact that American police are more powerful? Do people in France generally have less personal contact with police?